nautilus-script | jalan pintas dibacktrack
Misi mas-om-babe-engkong sekalian.

ane mau share nih tentang nautilus-scripts ..
biasanya klo diwindows setelah kita install program applikasi (ex:winrar;anvir;dln) pas kita klik kanan
pasti ada jalan pintasnya (bener gak namanya? ampe sekarang ane belom tau namanya itu apa -_-) , Contoh diwinrar ada pilihan -> Ekstract File ; Ekstract Here ; dsb.

nah dilinux juga gak mau kalah kok, bukan hanya porgram aplikasi doang tapi kita bisa buat sendiri
semacam jalan pintas. ane sulit jelasin dengan kata-kata ini ane kasih aja screenshootnya Big Grin

[Image: 2n66ybq.png]
Spoiler! :

[Image: 21m55p0.png]

Spoiler! :

[Image: 260u6py.png]

dan semoga bisa menjawab thread tentang
Quote: app pengEkstrack macam winrar
: gak perlu dengan applikasi, cukup dengan scripts Big Grin #GoOpenSource

--> script buat Ekstrack rar,dep,zip,gzip, dsb.
kasih nama terserah anda, tapi disini ane kasih nama archiver-unrarchiver
#!/bin/bash -x
# Nautilus script ->     Ultimate Archive Tool for Nautilus
#            Compress and decompress dynamic
#            Multilang
# Owner     : Largey Patrick Switzerland
#             [email protected]
# Co-Owner  : David Westlund
#          [email protected]
# Licence : GNU GPL
# Copyright (C) Nazeman
# Dependency : zenity
#            : tar, bzip2, gzip, zip
#            : gunzip, bunzip2, unzip, unrar
#            : Nautilus
#            : unace ->
#            : and Gnu tools -> grep, sed, which, etc...
# Encoding UTF-8
# Ver: 1.40 Date 24.03.2004
# Remove gdialog and add support for zenity
# Ver: 1.30 Date: 04.04.2003
# Add compatibilty with Nautilus 2.x
# Ver: 1.21 Date 06.01.2002
# Add compatibility with Xdialog + some improvemenz in code thanks to shellscript-fr(at)
# Ver: 1.20 Date 04.01.2002
# Add decompress file witout extension or with a false extension !!yeah!!
# + some small fixes + better scripting
# Ver: 1.15 Date 20.10.2002
# Add check and recover action for parchive (
# + make a .par
# Ver: 1.13 Date 13.06.2002
# Add Italian from Gianluca Romito <romito(at)>
# Ver: 1.12 Date 10.5.2002
# Fix Bug with "ace" format from Boris de Laage de Meux (emak(at)
# Ver: 1.11 Date 22.03.2002
# Add please wait dialog in decompress mode
# Ver: 1.10 Date 11.03.2002
# Add possibilty default config (archiver-config script)
# Add Estonian from Tõivo Leedjärv (toivo(at)
# Ver: 1.01 Date 28.02.2002
# Bug fix (thanks Shane) Add Portuguese from Rafael Rigues (rigues(at)
# Ver: 1.00 Date 27.02.2002
# Yeah ! version 1.00 (I hope is no BUG)
# Add translation in "Esperanto" from Eric (eclesh(at)
# Bugfix with Unzip (space file) + German update
# Ver : 0.9.9-6 Date 7.2.2002
# Add idea from David (check if programm is available)
# Add rar format
# Ver : 0.9.9-5 Date 31.01.2002
# Bugfix with : zip a directory , is recursive yet
# Add no case sensitiv (tgz, TGZ, TgZ,...)
# Ver : 0.9.9-4 Date 22.01.2002
# me: Add dialog for unarchive "yes or no"
# Please test all possibility to find bug to ver 1.00
# Ver: 0.9.9-2 Date 21.01.2002
# me: Add .Z Format compress and uncompress
# Add .ace format to decompress
# Add Dialog for decompress to overwrite file by David
# Some correction in force to decompress
# better recognise file if archive or not
# Ver: 0.9.9-1 Date 20.01.2002
# me: Add script uncompress_all, please wait ....
# Add some correction by David Westlund
# make a check to find what is for file
# if file is an archive -> decompress else compress
# Ver: 0.9.8 Date 12.01.2002
# me: Add Dialog with compressor choice
# tar.gz, tar.bz2, zip, gz, bz2
# Please update with rar and unrar (I don't have)
# Ver: 0.9.4 Date: 11.05.2001
# Support for swedish
# Don't create files with names like archive.tar.gz.tar.gz or archive.tgz.tar.gz
# If the input is just one file, the archive will be called <filename>.tar.gz as default
# Added by David Westlund
# Ver: 0.9.3 Date: 10.09.2001
# me: added file mit space !!!
# Ver: 0.9.2 Date: Sept 9, 2001
# me: added confirm windows + German Support
# Ver: 0.9.1 Date: Sept 5, 2001
# Shane Mueller added patch from Manuel Clos to add Spanish support
# Ver : 0.9 Date : 11.08.2001
curpath=`echo $NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_CURRENT_URI | sed 's/file\:\/\///'`
if [ ! -z $curpath ]
    cd $curpath
    cd `pwd`
# Default language
        filename="File name?"
        fileexist="File exists. Overwrite?"
        compressor="extension:  archive: "
        decompressor="Do you want to uncompress: "
        notvalid="not available"
        pleasewait="Please wait...."
        beuh="Unknown format."
        ncompr="could not be uncompressed."
        compr="has been uncompressed."        
        rec="was created successfully."
        overwrite="The following files will be overwritten: "
        proceed="Do you want to proceed?"
        parchive="Parchive : "
        parmiss="Cannot recover, too many file missing"
        parok="parity archive valid"
        parnotok=" lacking, recover ?"
case $LANG in
    fr* )
        filename="Nom du Fichier ?"
        fileexist="Fichier existant, écraser ?"
        decompressor="Voulez vous désarchiver : "
        compressor="Extension de l'archive : "
        notvalid="non disponible"
        pleasewait="Veuillez patientez ....."
        warning="! Attention !"
        beuh="format inconnu."
        ncompr="ne peut être décompressé."
        compr="est décompressé."        
        rec="est enregistré."
        overwrite="les fichiers suivant seront écrasé: "
        proceed="Voulez-vous poursuirvre ?"
        parchive="Parchive : "
        parmiss="Impossible de reconstruire, trop de fichier manquant."
        parok="archive de parité valide."
        parnotok=" manquant, reparez ?"
    es* )
        filename="¿Nombre del archivo?"
        fileexist="El archivo ya existe, ¿sobreescribir?"
        compressor="¿extensión del archivo?"
        decompressor="¿ Quiere descomprimir "
        notvalid="no disponible"
        pleasewait="Por favor, espere..."
        warning="¡ Cuidado !"
        beuh="Formato desconocido"
        ncompr="no se puede descomprimir"
        compr="se descomprimió correctamente."    
        rec="se creó correctamente"
        overwrite="los archivos suiguientes serán sobreescritos: "
        proceed="¿ Quiere continuar ?" ;;
    de* )
        filename="Dateiname ?"
        fileexist="Datei existiert bereits, überschreiben ?"
        compressor="Extension von Archiv : "
        decompressor="wollen Sie dekomprimieren : "
        notvalid="Nicht gültig"
        pleasewait="Bitte warten ...."
        warning="! Warnung !"
        beuh="unbekanntes Format"
        ncompr="kann nicht dekomprimieren"
        compr="ist komprimiert"        
        rec="ist gespeichert"
        overwrite="soll(en) diese Datei(en) überschriebenerden: "
        proceed="Wollen Sie weitermachen ?" ;;
    eo* )
        filename="Dosiera nomo?"
        fileexist="Dosiero ekzistas.  Æu superskribu?"
        compressor="Fina¼o de la ar¶ivo?"
        decompressor="Æu vi volas malar¶ivigi: "
        pleasewait="Bonvolu atendi..."
        beuh="Nekonata formato"
        ncompr="Ne povis kompresigi"
        compr="estas kompresigita"
        rec="øuste kreita"
        overwrite="La sekvantaj dosieroj superskribiøos: "
        proceed="Æu vi volas procedi?";;
    pt* )    
        filename="Nome do arquivo?"
        fileexist="O arquivo já existe. Sobrescrever?"
        compressor="extensão:  arquivo: "
        decompressor="Você quer descompactar: "
        notvalid="não disponível"
        beuh="Formato desconhecido."
        ncompr="não pôde ser descompactado."
        compr="foi descompactado."              
        rec="foi criado com sucesso."
        overwrite="Os seguintes arquivos serão sobrescritos: "
        proceed="Deseja continuar?" ;;
    sv* )
        fileexist="Filen existerar, vill du skriva över?"
        compressor="Filändelse arkiv :"
        decompressor="Vill du packa upp : "
        pleasewait="Var god vänta..."
        warning="! Varning !"
        beuh="Okänt format"
        ncompr="kunde inte packas upp korrekt"
        compr="är uppackad"            
        rec="är sparad"
        overwrite="Följande filer kommer skrivas över: "
        proceed="Vill du fortsätta?" ;;
    et* )
        filename="Faili nimi?"
        fileexist="Fail on juba olemas. Kas kirjutada üle?"
        compressor="laiend:    arhiiv: "
        decompressor="Kas sa tahad lahti pakkida: "
        notvalid="ei ole võimalik"
        pleasewait="Palun oota...."
        beuh="Tundmatu vorming."
        ncompr=": ei saa lahti pakkida."
        compr="lahti pakitud."
        rec="edukalt loodud."
        overwrite="Järgnevad failid kirjutatakse üle: "
        proceed="Kas tahad jätkata?" ;;
    it* )        
        filename="Nome File?"
        fileexist="Il file esiste. Sovrascriverlo?"
        title="Compressore Decompressore"
        compressor="estensione:  archivio: "
        decompressor="Vuoi decomprimere: "
        notvalid="non disponivile"
        pleasewait="Attendere per favore...."
        beuh="Formato sconosciuto."
        ncompr="non puo' essere decompresso."
        compr="e' stato decompresso."        
        rec="e' stato creato con successo."
        overwrite="I seguenti files saranno sovrascritti: "
        proceed="Vuoi procedere?" ;;    
# check the config file
if [ ! -f ~/.archiver.conf ]
then echo "" > ~/.archiver.conf
# Fonction
pleasewait() {
zenity --title "$title" --info --text "$pleasewait" --width 200 --height 25&
# Fonction decompress
tardec() {
fto=`ls -d --color=never \`tar -tf "$1" | sed 's/ /\?/g'\` 2>&1 | grep -v "^ls"`
if [ ! -z "$fto" ]
    if zenity --title "$title" --question --text "$overwrite \n$fto\n$proceed" --width 200 --height 25
        tar -xf "$1" || error=1
        exit 0
    tar -xf "$1" || error=1
targzdec() {
fto=`ls -d --color=never \`tar -ztf "$1" | sed 's/ /\?/g'\` 2>&1 | grep -v "^ls"`
if [ ! -z "$fto" ]
    if zenity --title "$title" --question --text "$overwrite \n$fto\n$proceed" --width 200 --height 25
        tar -xzf "$1" || error=1
        exit 0
    tar -xzf "$1" || error=1
tarbzip2dec() {
fto=`ls -d --color=never \`tar -jtf "$1" | sed 's/ /\?/g'\` 2>&1 | grep -v "^ls"`
if [ ! -z "$fto" ]
        if zenity --title "$title" --question --text "$overwrite \n$fto\n$proceed" --width 200 --height 25
        tar -jxf "$1" || error=1
        exit 0
    tar -jxf "$1" || error=1
gzdec() {
fto=`ls -d --color=never \`echo "$1" | sed 's/.gz//'\` 2>&1 | grep -v -e "^ls"`
if [ ! -z "$fto" ]
    if zenity --title "$title" --question --text "$overwrite \n$fto\n$proceed" --width 200 --height 25
        gunzip -fN "$1" || error=1
        exit 0
    gunzip -N "$1" || error=1
bzip2dec() {
fto=`ls -d --color=never \`echo "$1" | sed 's/.bz2//'\` 2>&1 | grep -v -e "^ls"`
if [ ! -z "$fto" ]
    if zenity --title "$title" --question --text"$overwrite \n$fto\n$proceed" --width 200 --height 25
        bunzip2 -fk "$1" || error=1
        exit 0
        bunzip2 -k "$1"  || error=1
zipdec() {
fto=`ls -d --color=never \`zipinfo -1 "$1" | sed 's/ /\?/g'\` 2>&1 | grep -v -e "^ls"`
if [ ! -z "$fto" ]
    if zenity --title "$title" --question --text "$overwrite \n$fto\n$proceed" --width 200 --height 25
        unzip -o "$1" || error=1
        exit 0
    unzip -o "$1" || error=1
rardec() {
fto=`ls -d --color=never \`rar l "$1" | gawk '/2.0$/{ print $1 }'\` 2>&1 | grep -v -e "^ls"`
if [ ! -z "$fto" ]
    if zenity --title "$title" --question --text "$overwrite \n$fto\n$proceed" --width 200 --height 25
        unrar x -kb -o+ "$1" || error=1
        exit 0
    unrar x -kb -o+ "$1" || error=1
zdec() {
fto=`ls -d --color=never \`zcat -l "$1" | gawk '/%/{ print $4 }'\` 2>&1 | grep -v -e "^ls"`
if [ ! -z "$fto" ]
    if zenity --title "$title" --question --text "$overwrite \n$fto\n$proceed" --width 200 --height 25
        uncompress -f "$1" || error=1
        exit 0
    uncompress "$1" || error=1
acedec() {
unace x "$1" || error=1        
# test archive or not
test_parity=`echo "$1" | grep [.][pP][aA][rR]$`
test_arch1=`file -b "$1" | grep -v 'PARity' | grep 'archive'`
test_arch2=`file -b "$1" | grep 'compress'`
test_arch3=`echo "$1" | grep [.][aA][cC][eE]$`
if [ ! -z "$test_arch" ]
# is one archive -> decompress
    allfiles=`echo $@ | sed 's/\ /\\n/g'`
    if zenity --title "$title" --question --text "$decompressor \n\n$allfiles ?\n" --width 200 --height 25
        while [ $# -gt 0 ]
                echo "$1" | grep -i '\.tar\.gz$' 2>&1
                targzdec "$1"
                echo "$1" | grep -i '\.tgz$' 2>&1
                targzdec "$1"
                echo "$1" | grep -i '\.tar$' 2>&1
                tardec "$1"
                echo "$1" | grep -i '\.gz$' 2>&1
                gzdec "$1"
                echo "$1" | grep -i '\.tar\.bz2$' 2>&1
                tarbzip2dec "$1"
                echo "$1" | grep -i '\.bz2$' 2>&1
                bzip2dec "$1"
                echo "$1" | grep -i '\.zip$' 2>&1
                zipdec "$1"
                echo "$1" | grep -i '\.rar$' 2>&1
                rardec "$1"
                echo "$1" | grep -i '\.z$' 2>&1
                zdec "$1"
                echo "$1" | grep -i '\.ace$' 2>&1
                acedec "$1"
# Decompress if file is an archive with no extension and test what is for archive type
                ifnoextension=`file -b "$1" | gawk '/compress/{ print $1 }'`
                ifnoextensiona=`file -b "$1" | gawk '/archive/{ print $1 }'`
                if [ "$ifnoextension" = "bzip2" ]
                    if tar -tjf "$1" 2>/dev/null
                    then tarbzip2dec "$1"
                    else bzip2dec "$1"
                elif [ "$ifnoextension" = "gzip" ]    
                    if tar -tzf "$1" 2>/dev/null
                    then targzdec "$1"
                    else gzdec "$1"
                elif [ "$ifnoextension" = 'compress'\''d' ]
                    zdec "$1"
                elif [ "$ifnoextensiona" = "GNU" ]
                    tardec "$1"    
                elif [ "$ifnoextensiona" = "Zip" ]
                    zipdec "$1"
                elif [ "$ifnoextensiona" = "RAR" ]
                    rardec "$1"                
                zenity --title "$title" --warning --text "$1 $beuh $noextension" --width 200 --height 25
# End script for decompression
            if [ $error = 0 ]
                decompressed="$decompressed $1\n"
            if [ $error = 1 ]
                zenity --title "$title" --warning --text "$1 $beuh $noextension" --width 200 --height 25
            kill $dialogpid
        exit 0
    if [ ! -z "$decompressed" ]
        zenity --title "$title" --info --text "$decompressed $compr" --width 200 --height 25
# parity test or recovery
elif [ ! -z "$test_parity" ]
    parbinary=`which par || which parchive`
    testpar=`$parbinary c "$1" 2>&1 | gawk '/NOT FOUND/{ print $1 }'`
    testrecover=`$parbinary c "$1" 2>&1 | grep "Too many missing files:"`
    if [ -z "$testpar" ]
    then zenity --title "$title" --info --text "$parchive$parok" --width 200 --height 25
        if zenity --title "$title" --question --text "$parchive$testpar$parnotok" --width 200 --height 25
            if [ -z "$testrecover" ]
                $parbinary r "$1"
                kill $dialogpid
                zenity --title "$title" --warning --text "$parmiss" --width 200 --height 25
            exit 0
# test if programm are availlable
    listcompprg="tar zip gzip bzip2 rar compress"
    for u in $listcompprg
        if which $u 2>/dev/null
            eval a$u="$valid"
            eval a$u="$notvalid"
    if which par 2> /dev/null || which parchive 2> /dev/null
# is not one archive -> compress
    if [ $# = 1 ]
        nom=`zenity --title "$title" --entry --text "$filename" --entry-text "$archive" --width 200 --height 25 2>&1`
        if [ ! -d "$1" -a $# = 1 ]
            configsingle=`cat ~/.archiver.conf | gawk '/single/{ print $2 }'`
            if [ -z "$configsingle" ]
                compres=`zenity --title "$title" --list --radiolist --column "$choix" --column "$format" --column "$info" --text "$compressor" FALSE ".zip" "$azip" TRUE ".gz" "$agzip" FALSE ".bz2" "$abzip2" FALSE ".Z" "$acompress" FALSE ".rar" "$arar" FALSE ".par" "$apar"  --width 200 --height 220 2>&1`
            configmulti=`cat ~/.archiver.conf | gawk '/multi/{ print $2}'`
            if [ -z "$configmulti" ]
                compres=`zenity --title "$title" --list --radiolist --column "$choix" --column "$format" --column "$info" TRUE ".tar.gz" "$agzip" FALSE ".tar.bz2" "$abzip2" FALSE ".zip" "$azip" FALSE ".tar" "$atar" FALSE ".rar" "$arar" FALSE ".par" "$apar" --width 200 --height 220 2>&1`

        compres=`echo $compres | sed 's/\"//g'`
        if [ ! -z "$compres" ]
            while [ -f ./"$nom"$compres ]
                if zenity --title "$title" --question --text "$fileexist" --width 200 --height 25
                    rm -f ./"$nom"$compres
                    if zenity --title "$title" --entry --text "$filename" --entry-text "$archive" --width 200 --height 25
                        exit 0
        exit 0
    case $compres
            .tar.gz )
                while [ $# -gt 0 ]
                    if [ -f ./"$nom".tar ]
                        tar -rf ./"$nom".tar "$1"
                        tar -cf ./"$nom".tar "$1"
                gzip -f -9 ./"$nom".tar ;;
            .tar.bz2 )
                while [ $# -gt 0 ]
                    if [ -f ./"$nom".tar ]
                        tar -rf ./"$nom".tar "$1"
                        tar -cf ./"$nom".tar "$1"
                bzip2 -f -9 ./"$nom".tar ;;
            .zip )
                while [ $# -gt 0 ]
                    if [ -f ./"$nom".zip ]
                        zip -r -9 ./"$nom".zip "$1"
                        zip -r -u -9  ./"$nom".zip "$1"
                done ;;
            .tar )
                while [ $# -gt 0 ]
                    if [ -f ./"$nom".tar ]
                        tar -rf ./"$nom".tar "$1"
                        tar -cf ./"$nom".tar "$1"
                done ;;
            .gz )
                while [ $# -gt 0 ]
                    gzip -cN -9 "$1" >> ./"$nom".gz
                done ;;
            .rar )
                while [ $# -gt 0 ]
                    rar a -r0 "$nom".rar "$1"
                done ;;    
            .bz2 )
                bzip2 -c -9 "$1" >> ./"$nom".bz2 ;;
            .Z )
                compress -c "$1" >> ./"$nom".Z ;;
            .par )
                parbinary=`which par || which parchive`
                rm "$nom".p[0-9][0-9]
                $parbinary a "$nom".par "$@";;
            * )
                echo "error" ;;    
        kill $dialogpid
        sleep 1
        zenity --title "$title" --info --text "$PWD/$nom$compres $rec" --width 200 --height 25
        exit 0

--> Script buat convert ke file jpeg . convert_to_jpeg.

while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
    jpg_file=`echo "$picture" | sed 's/\.\w*$/.jpg/'`
    /usr/bin/convert -quality 75 "$picture" jpeg:"$jpg_file"

--> Script buat edit langsung dengan Gedit . gedit.
# Nautilus script -> open gedit
# Owner : Largey Patrick from Switzerland
#         [email protected]
# Licence : GNU GPL
# Copyright (C) Nazeman
# Ver. 0.9-1 Date: 16.02.2002
# Add multiple file open in the same windows
# Ver: 0.9  Date: 27.10.2001
# Initial release
# Dependence : Nautilus (of course)
#              Gnome-utils (gdialog)
while [ $# -gt 0 ]
        files=`echo "$1" | sed 's/ /\?/g'`
        filesall="$files $filesall"
gedit $filesall&

--> Script buat nyari tahu tipe file. filetype.
# Copyright (C) Sept 13, 2001 Shane Mueller <[email protected]>
# Released into the public domain.
for arg

filetype=$(file "$arg")

  gdialog --title "File-Type Determinator" --msgbox "File $filetype" 200 200


--> Script buat menampilkan Md5Sum . Show MD5 Sum.

# Display the MD5 sums of the selected files
# AUTHOR:    Brian Connelly <[email protected]>
# DESCRIPTION:    This script displays the names and MD5 sums of the selected
#        files
# REQUIREMENTS:    Nautilus file manager
#        gdialog, which is included in the gnome-utils package
#        Perl
# INSTALLATION:    GNOME 1.4.x: copy this script to the ~/Nautilus/scripts
#            directory
#        GNOME 2.x: copy to the ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts directory
# USAGE:    Select the files that you would like to display in Nautilus,
#        right click, go to Scripts, and then select this script.
#        A dialog window will then appear with the results for the
#        selected files.
#        0.1 (20021009) - Initial public release
# COPYRIGHT:    Copyright (C) 2002 Brian Connelly <[email protected]>

$script_title="MD5 Sum";
$temp_file = "/tmp/md5" . "-" . `date +'%s'`;

    system("gdialog --title \"$SCRIPT_TITLE Error\" --msgbox \"No files have been selected\" 400 400 2>&1");

$num_files = @ARGV;

if($num_files < 30)
  $num_rows = $num_files * 5;
elsif($num_files < 100)
  $num_rows = $num_files
  # just to make sure that the output window can't be too large
  $num_rows = 80;

foreach $file (@ARGV)
    if(-d $file)
        system("echo \"Cannot calculate MD5 sum for directory '$file'\" 2>&1 >> $temp_file");
        system("md5sum \"$file\" 2>&1 >> $temp_file");

system("gdialog --title \"$script_title Results\" --textbox $temp_file $num_rows 80 2>&1");

system("rm $temp_file");

--> Selengkapnya bisa download di via 4shared :

##--> Ekstrack file tersebut di dalam folder nautilus-scripts
Quote:root/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/ *isi folder-folder yang diekstract tadi*
karna folder .gnome2 dihidden tekan tombol CTRL+H untuk menampilkan folder yang dihidden.
nah jika ente mau merubah sub menu pada pilihannya , anda tinggal merename aja nama folder yang ada didalam
folder nautilus-scripts ..
Spoiler! :

[Image: Screenshot-6_zps480b698f.png]

dan ente jg bisa memodifikasi sendiri script-script tsb untuk jalan pintas ente, sebagaimana kreativ ente aja Big Grin

sekian dari ane, semoga dapat membantu. membantu yaa syukur bisa dapet cendol gak membantu yaa gapapa beli cendol sendiri Sad

#Work in Backtrack5 r2,r3, Ubuntu 10,12 ..

*sumber : buku, Google, Wangsit dari Langit.

oiyahh tolong diedit min . ane ada yang kurang >< ...

Save file tersebut kedalam folder nautilus-scripts , Jangan dikasih ektensi apa-apa ! . Biar lebih mudah kita katagorikan sesuai jenis kebutuhan. Caranya buat folder baru didalam folder nautilus-scripts , Ini membantu pengkelompokan saat kita klik kanan.
Quote:cd ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/ *nama Folder/*namafile

klo sudah kasih permissionnya
Quote: chmod 777 namafilenya
Jangan Makan Tulang Kawan | Kurawa |

Bang maaf sebelumnya , boleh tanya ?
Apa itu nama Icon Desktopnya & Windows Bordernya , kereeen
Quote:Call me Dillah , Okey ?

Wow, terima kasih banyak, Doctor! Ini sangat bermanfaat. Kita jadi bisa bikin sendiri sudo dpkg -i *.deb untuk folder tapi klik kanan.

Saya baru tahu caranya dari tulisan akang ini. Terima kasih banyak!

(03-17-2013, 01:53 PM)arafahcom Wrote: Bang maaf sebelumnya , boleh tanya ?
Apa itu nama Icon Desktopnya & Windows Bordernya , kereeen

Oh itu, itu icon dari Om THJC disini om Smile

(03-17-2013, 03:00 PM)Malsasa Wrote: Wow, terima kasih banyak, Doctor! Ini sangat bermanfaat. Kita jadi bisa bikin sendiri sudo dpkg -i *.deb untuk folder tapi klik kanan.

Saya baru tahu caranya dari tulisan akang ini. Terima kasih banyak!

iyah om sama-sama, digoogle bnyak kok shortcut-shortcut yang
bagus-bagus Big Grin
Jangan Makan Tulang Kawan | Kurawa |

nice om, ane pernah make ne.

(03-17-2013, 07:55 PM)DoctoroL Wrote: iyah om sama-sama, digoogle bnyak kok shortcut-shortcut yang
bagus-bagus Big Grin
Tidak sesederhana ini. Saya sangat yakin cara sederhana yang akang tunjukkan ini, akan mengubah user-friendliness di Linux untuk masa depan. Sungguh. Barangkali akang tahu cara melacak dependensi di folder cache apt lokal, saya mau bikin skrip otomasinya. Terima kasih.

(03-17-2013, 07:55 PM)DoctoroL Wrote: iyah om sama-sama, digoogle bnyak kok shortcut-shortcut yang
bagus-bagus Big Grin
Tidak sesederhana ini. Saya sangat yakin cara sederhana yang akang tunjukkan ini, akan mengubah user-friendliness di Linux untuk masa depan. Sungguh. Barangkali akang tahu cara melacak dependensi di folder cache apt lokal, saya mau bikin skrip otomasinya. Terima kasih.

(03-17-2013, 07:55 PM)DoctoroL Wrote: iyah om sama-sama, digoogle bnyak kok shortcut-shortcut yang
bagus-bagus Big Grin
Tidak sesederhana ini. Saya sangat yakin cara sederhana yang akang tunjukkan ini, akan mengubah user-friendliness di Linux untuk masa depan. Sungguh. Barangkali akang tahu cara melacak dependensi di folder cache apt lokal, saya mau bikin skrip otomasinya. Terima kasih.

(03-17-2013, 07:55 PM)DoctoroL Wrote: iyah om sama-sama, digoogle bnyak kok shortcut-shortcut yang
bagus-bagus Big Grin
Tidak sesederhana ini. Saya sangat yakin cara sederhana yang akang tunjukkan ini, akan mengubah user-friendliness di Linux untuk masa depan. Sungguh. Barangkali akang tahu cara melacak dependensi di folder cache apt lokal, saya mau bikin skrip otomasinya. Terima kasih.

(03-17-2013, 07:55 PM)DoctoroL Wrote: iyah om sama-sama, digoogle bnyak kok shortcut-shortcut yang
bagus-bagus Big Grin
Tidak sesederhana ini. Saya sangat yakin cara sederhana yang akang tunjukkan ini, akan mengubah user-friendliness di Linux untuk masa depan. Sungguh. Barangkali akang tahu cara melacak dependensi di folder cache apt lokal, saya mau bikin skrip otomasinya. Terima kasih.

(03-17-2013, 07:55 PM)DoctoroL Wrote: iyah om sama-sama, digoogle bnyak kok shortcut-shortcut yang
bagus-bagus Big Grin
Tidak sesederhana ini. Saya sangat yakin cara sederhana yang akang tunjukkan ini, akan mengubah user-friendliness di Linux untuk masa depan. Sungguh. Barangkali akang tahu cara melacak dependensi di folder cache apt lokal, saya mau bikin skrip otomasinya. Terima kasih.

(03-17-2013, 09:10 PM)iyan squid Wrote: nice om, ane pernah make ne.
Iyah om, klo ada yg lebih bagus sharing jg ya om Big Grin Smile:- ane cuma dapet segitu Angry

(03-17-2013, 09:24 PM)Malsasa Wrote: Tidak sesederhana ini. Saya sangat yakin cara sederhana yang akang tunjukkan ini, akan mengubah user-friendliness di Linux untuk masa depan. Sungguh. Barangkali akang tahu cara melacak dependensi di folder cache apt lokal, saya mau bikin skrip otomasinya. Terima kasih.

iyah, tapi saat install backtrack/ubuntu nautilus-scriptnya tidak langsung ke pasang otomatis, kita pasang manual Blush Mungkin bisa ditambahkan ke Dracos :-?
Jangan Makan Tulang Kawan | Kurawa |

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