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misi om kalo misal'y buat jaringan wireless ip attacker'y pake ip kita apa gateway'y..?

maaf nih masih belajar...

pake ip attackernya aja om
ketik aja ifconfig wlan0 buat > wifi kalo eth0 buat lan (sekedar mengingatkan)

(10-29-2012, 01:44 PM)xsan-lahci Wrote: Select from the menu:

1) Spear-Phishing Attack Vectors
2) Website Attack Vectors
3) Infectious Media
Barcode Generator
4) Create a Payload and Listener
5) Mass Mailer Attack
6) Arduino-Based Attack Vector
7) SMS Spoofing Attack Vector
8) Wireless Access Point Attack Vector
QRCode Generator Attack Vector
10) Powershell Attack Vectors
11) Third Party Modules

What does the qr code attack vector not work in my project?:-?

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