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Cheatsheet Command Mobile Penetration Testing - Kresna - 12-13-2018

Halo pejuang naga, lama tak berjumpa. 

Kali ini ane mau share tentang cheatsheet mobile penetration testing, karena pada saat melakukan penetration testing di mobile sering kali ane pribadi mengali kesulitan untuk setup enviroment terutama perintah perintah yang harus dilakukan. maka dari itu ane buat catatan kecil agar lebih mudah dicarinya ketimbang harus google lagi. wkkwkw

oke langsung saja ya.

Command Mobile Penetration Testing Cheatsheet
For this time is about Android :) IOS soon :)

# ADB Cheatsheet
Download adb or you can using adb as default from Android Studio.

ADB Command
#Check Android Architecture
adb shell getprop | grep abi

#List all application already installed
adb shell pm list packages -f | grep -i 'namafile'

#Tracing log on android
adb logcat | grep nama_package

#Install application to device
adb install namaFile.apk

[/url]Frida Cheatsheet
Install Frida Server on android,
download frida server :
$ adb root # might be required
$ adb push frida-server /data/local/tmp/
$ adb shell "chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/frida-server"
$ adb shell "/data/local/tmp/frida-server &"

Frida Command
# Connect Frida to an iPad over USB and list running processes
frida-ps -U

# List running applications
frida-ps -Ua

# List installed applications
frida-ps -Uai

# Connect Frida to the specific device
frida-ps -D 0216027d1d6d3a03

# Trace recv* and send* APIs in Safari
frida-trace -i "recv*" -i "send*" Safari

# Trace ObjC method calls in Safari
frida-trace -m "-[NSView drawRect:]" Safari

# Launch SnapChat on your iPhone and trace crypto API calls
frida-trace -U -f com.toyopagroup.picaboo -I "libcommonCrypto*"

#Frida trace every open function while program start
frida-trace -U -i open

Frida Tracing
Download :
usage: java -jar FridaAndroidTracer.jar
-a,--expand-array      expand array values
-c,--classes <arg>     classes to be hooked
-j,--jars <arg>        jar files to be included
-o,--output <arg>      output script path
-p,--include-private   include private methods
-s,--skip <arg>        methods to be skipped

AndBug - For Enumerate Class And Method On Application
#Enumerate classes on application
andbug classes -p [PID application / name of application] > class.txt

#Enumerate methods on classes
andbug methods -p [PID application / name of application] [class name]

Android Log Tracing
Using PIDCAT : 

# Decompile APK File

APKX for decompile apk
Usage :
apkx -c enjarify -d procyon namafile.apk

Bytecode Viewer
To read source code of dex or jar file.

Install Burp Certificate On Android
Convert burp certificate from DER to PEM . If you lazy, you can download PEM file on this repository.
openssl x509 -inform DER -in cacert.der -out cacert.pem
# Get subject_hash_old (or subject_hash if OpenSSL < 1.0)
openssl x509 -inform PEM -subject_hash_old -in cacert.pem |head -1
mv cacert.pem 9a5ba575.0

Install PEM file to the System Trusted Credentials on device.
adb root
adb remount  
adb push 9a5ba575.0 /system/etc/security/cacerts/  
adb shell "chmod 644 /system/etc/security/cacerts/9a5ba575.0"
adb shell "reboot"

If your /system cant mounting, You must mounting first.
adb root
adb shell
# Check mounting list
cat /proc/mounts
#/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/system /system ext4 ro,seclabel,relatime,discard,data=ordered 0 0
mount -o rw,remount -t rfs /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/system /system
adb push 9a5ba575.0 /system/etc/security/cacerts/  
adb shell "chmod 644 /system/etc/security/cacerts/9a5ba575.0"
adb shell "reboot"

# Install Open Gapps On Android Emulator
Download : 
Extract :
unzip open_gapps-x86_64******.zip 'Core/*'
rm Core/setup*
lzip -d Core/*.lz
for f in $(ls Core/*.tar); do
 tar -x --strip-components 2 -f $f

Install to Emulator :
adb root
adb remount
adb push etc /system
adb push framework /system
adb push app /system
adb push priv-app /system
adb shell stop
adb shell start

# Emulator

Android Studio Emulator
This command for run emulator from android studio, make you have already install android studio before.
if you want to root android emulator, please using system without (Google API's) or (Google Play) 

# List all emulator
emulator.exe -list-avds
# Run Emulator
emulator.exe -avd [EmulatorName]


if you have know about more command or a new trick to do something with Mobile Pentest, please let me know :)

Sekian, semoga bermanfaat !

Source :

RE: Cheatsheet Command Mobile Penetration Testing - iPin - 12-13-2018

Mantapsss gannnn!!1!!

RE: Cheatsheet Command Mobile Penetration Testing - hehehe - 12-14-2018

beehh... nyimak dlu.. blm sempat cicipin list cheat sheet nya

RE: Cheatsheet Command Mobile Penetration Testing - rootcrash - 12-14-2018

semoga bisa berguna sebagai referensi, baik untuk sekarang maupun nanti.

RE: Cheatsheet Command Mobile Penetration Testing - Ahmad_hidayat - 12-18-2018

Mantap kakaa. Nnti di coba..

RE: Cheatsheet Command Mobile Penetration Testing - hamdan_zenith - 12-20-2018

thanks om,, ilmunya mantap banget,, keren keren.. +1

RE: Cheatsheet Command Mobile Penetration Testing - Kresna - 12-21-2018

Thanks cendolnya om.

Kalau ada yang mau ditambahan kan atau sekiaranya ada command yang salah, boleh pm ane atau comment dithread ini ya