joomla hash cracker (python)
Nice code .... tinggal masangin paralel multithreading + multiprocessing (max 4-6 thread process/) kl memang mau cepat .. dan kl mau akurat+tepat pake sj wordlist generator ...gug ush pake kamus2 segala ... pake lib lama python string untuk generate wordnya string.ascii_lowercase,string.digits,string.ascii_uppercase,string.punctuation + integrate Crochemore-Perrin algorthm bidirection generate string ( , )
menggunakan teknik ini untuk meningkatkan probabilitas dan efektivitas dalam menemukan pencarian string.Smile

bidirection generate string ex:

---------> <---------
start end start

di jamin akan menghasilkan tool hash crack yang powerfull ...
just try it Smile good luck

nah, itu dia yang saya maksud Smile
buat om hash crack Smile
jangan hash brute...
keren om Smile

Coba aplikasikan saran dari om jimi Smile
Ditunggu ya Big Grin
Yang putih, yang seharusnya ber-aksi dan berbakat!
Linuxtivist blog

thank you om jimmyromanticdevil, makin penasaran nih bljr nih bahasa ... :tkp:
Hacking isn't just Computers & Exploits. It's a Philosophy.

nice post om nasa.. ini lumayan klo udah dapet password joomla admin Tongue hehehe

(12-04-2011, 07:52 PM)jimmyromanticdevil Wrote: Nice code .... tinggal masangin paralel multithreading + multiprocessing (max 4-6 thread process/) kl memang mau cepat .. dan kl mau akurat+tepat pake sj wordlist generator ...gug ush pake kamus2 segala ... pake lib lama python string untuk generate wordnya string.ascii_lowercase,string.digits,string.ascii_uppercase,string.punctuation + integrate Crochemore-Perrin algorthm bidirection generate string ( , )
menggunakan teknik ini untuk meningkatkan probabilitas dan efektivitas dalam menemukan pencarian string.Smile

bidirection generate string ex:

---------> <---------
start end start

di jamin akan menghasilkan tool hash crack yang powerfull ...
just try it Smile good luck

thanks om jimmyromanticdevil,
abis ngikutin saran om buat make bidirection generate string ma wordlist generator, ane malah nemu script yg udh jadi... ini script'y :
# v1.2
#                       ,              .
#                 _.._ -+-*  * _. __ _.;_/ _ ._ _
#                (_][ ) | |  |(_]_) (_]| \(_)[ | )
#                          ._|
#   .      .      _,   .            .              .       _,   .
#  _| _.._.;_/ _.|.|  _| _         _| _ ._ ._. _  _| _. _.|.|  _| _
# (_](_][  | \(_.|_| (_](/,  and  (_](/,[_)[  (/,(_](_](_.|_| (_](/,
#                                      |
# hash bruteforcer (use string generator)
# (md5, sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512)
# [Crochemore-Perrin algorithm]
# bidirection generate string ex:
# [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
# ---------> <---------
# start    end    start
# this technique using to increase the probability and effectiveness
# discover string searching.
# Author: 5ynL0rd
# thanks to community:, &
# thanks to person: d3hydr8, gat3w4y, shamus, cyberchrome, renzo,
#                   pyfla, si_pemula, g4pt3k, acayz, tr4c3r, dbuqr,
#                   boys_rvn1609.
#                                                          03 March 2010

import string, os, time, sys, hashlib
from itertools import product

def banner():
if == "posix":
header = '''
   ||         ||
   ||HASH-SPIT|| v1.2
   ||         ||     ``````````````````
   |'---------'|     hash bruteforcer using string generator
    `)__ ____('      (md5,sha1,sha224,sha256,sha384,sha512)
    [=== -- o ]--.
  __'---------'__ \
[::::::::::: :::] )
                \\_/                           Author: 5ynL0rd
for i in header:
  print "\b%s"%i,

def synL0rd_perm(s,n):
x = (s,)*n
return product(*x)

def format():
print '''[+] Select generator:
    0) a-z (abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz)
    1) 0-9 (0123456789)
    3) !-~ (!"#$%&\\\'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\\\]^_`{|}~)
    4) a-z and 0-9
    5) a-z and A-Z
    6) a-z and !-~
    7) a-z and A-Z and 0-9
    8) a-z and A-Z and !-~
    9) all'''

if "__main__" == __name__:
lengthmin2 = 0
  gen = input("    choose number options [1,2,..10]: ")
  print "[-] Error input!"
  if gen > 9 or gen < 0:
   print "[-] Error input!"
lengthmin = input("[+] length min: ")
lengthmax = input("[+] length max: ")
if lengthmin > lengthmax:
  print "[-] Error input!"
cipher = raw_input("[+] insert hash: ")
cipher = cipher.lower()
if len(cipher) == 32:
  hashtype = "MD5 HASH"
if len(cipher) == 40:
  hashtype = "SHA1 HASH"
if len(cipher) == 56:
  hashtype = "SHA224 HASH"
if len(cipher) == 64:
  hashtype = "SHA256 HASH"
if len(cipher) == 96:
  hashtype = "SHA384 HASH"
if len(cipher) == 128:
  hashtype = "SHA512 HASH"
num0 = list(string.ascii_lowercase)
num1 = list(string.digits)
num2 = list(string.ascii_uppercase)
num3 = list(string.punctuation)
num4 = num0+num1
num5 = num0+num2
num6 = num0+num3
num7 = num0+num2+num1
num8 = num0+num2+num3
full = num0+num2+num1+num3
listnum = [num0,num1,num2,num3,num4,num5,num6,num7,num8,full]
print "[o] CRACKING %s! Please wait...\n"%hashtype
while lengthmin <= lengthmax:
  found = False
  ch3cksum = synL0rd_perm(listnum[gen],lengthmin)
  cent = listnum[gen][len(listnum[gen])/2]*lengthmin
  gat3w4y = synL0rd_perm(listnum[gen],lengthmin)
  print "\r",
  while found == False:
   resgen1 = string.join(,"")
   resgen2 = string.join(,"")
   if len(cipher) == 32:
    spit1 = hashlib.md5(resgen1).hexdigest()
    spit2 = hashlib.md5(resgen2).hexdigest()
   if len(cipher) == 40:
    spit1 = hashlib.sha1(resgen1).hexdigest()
    spit2 = hashlib.sha1(resgen2).hexdigest()
   if len(cipher) == 56:
    spit1 = hashlib.sha224(resgen1).hexdigest()
    spit2 = hashlib.sha224(resgen2).hexdigest()
   if len(cipher) == 64:
    spit1 = hashlib.sha256(resgen1).hexdigest()
    spit2 = hashlib.sha256(resgen2).hexdigest()
   if len(cipher) == 96:
    spit1 = hashlib.sha384(resgen1).hexdigest()
    spit2 = hashlib.sha384(resgen2).hexdigest()
   if len(cipher) == 128:
    spit1 = hashlib.sha512(resgen1).hexdigest()
    spit2 = hashlib.sha512(resgen2).hexdigest()
   print "\r    %s | %s"%(resgen1,resgen2),
   if cipher == spit1:
    print "\n\n[+] PASSWORD CRACKED! = %s\n"%resgen1
    found = True
   if cipher == spit2:
    print "\n\n[+] PASSWORD CRACKED! = %s\n"%resgen2
    found = True
   if resgen1 == cent:
  lengthmin += 1

print "\n\n[-] PASSWORD NOT FOUND... Try again later\n"

kalo pake salt, ane tambahin option buat nambah salt, script'y jdi seperti ini :
# v1.2
#                       ,              .
#                 _.._ -+-*  * _. __ _.;_/ _ ._ _
#                (_][ ) | |  |(_]_) (_]| \(_)[ | )
#                          ._|
#   .      .      _,   .            .              .       _,   .
#  _| _.._.;_/ _.|.|  _| _         _| _ ._ ._. _  _| _. _.|.|  _| _
# (_](_][  | \(_.|_| (_](/,  and  (_](/,[_)[  (/,(_](_](_.|_| (_](/,
#                                      |
# hash bruteforcer (use string generator)
# (md5, sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512)
# [Crochemore-Perrin algorithm]
# bidirection generate string ex:
# [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
# ---------> <---------
# start    end    start
# this technique using to increase the probability and effectiveness
# discover string searching.
# Author: 5ynL0rd
# thanks to community:, &
# thanks to person: d3hydr8, gat3w4y, shamus, cyberchrome, renzo,
#                   pyfla, si_pemula, g4pt3k, acayz, tr4c3r, dbuqr,
#                   boys_rvn1609.
#                                                         03 March 2010
# Salt option added by nasa ( 06 Dec 2011 )

import string, os, time, sys, hashlib
from itertools import product

def banner():
if == "posix":
header = '''
   ||         ||
   ||HASH-SPIT|| v1.2
   ||         ||     ``````````````````
   |'---------'|     hash bruteforcer using string generator
    `)__ ____('      (md5,sha1,sha224,sha256,sha384,sha512)
    [=== -- o ]--.
  __'---------'__ \
[::::::::::: :::] )
                \\_/                           Author: 5ynL0rd
for i in header:
  print "\b%s"%i,

def synL0rd_perm(s,n):
x = (s,)*n
return product(*x)

def format():
print '''[+] Select generator:
    0) a-z (abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz)
    1) 0-9 (0123456789)
    3) !-~ (!"#$%&\\\'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\\\]^_`{|}~)
    4) a-z and 0-9
    5) a-z and A-Z
    6) a-z and !-~
    7) a-z and A-Z and 0-9
    8) a-z and A-Z and !-~
    9) all'''

if "__main__" == __name__:
lengthmin2 = 0
  gen = input("    choose number options [0,1,..9]: ")
  print "[-] Error input!"
  if gen > 9 or gen < 0:
   print "[-] Error input!"
lengthmin = input("[+] length min: ")
lengthmax = input("[+] length max: ")
if lengthmin > lengthmax:
  print "[-] Error input!"
cipher = raw_input("[+] insert hash: ")
cipher = cipher.lower()
_salt = raw_input("[+] insert salt (Left empty if there is no salt) : ")
if len(_salt) != 0:
    _salt = _salt
    _salt = ''  
if len(cipher) == 32:
  hashtype = "MD5 HASH"
if len(cipher) == 40:
  hashtype = "SHA1 HASH"
if len(cipher) == 56:
  hashtype = "SHA224 HASH"
if len(cipher) == 64:
  hashtype = "SHA256 HASH"
if len(cipher) == 96:
  hashtype = "SHA384 HASH"
if len(cipher) == 128:
  hashtype = "SHA512 HASH"
num0 = list(string.ascii_lowercase)
num1 = list(string.digits)
num2 = list(string.ascii_uppercase)
num3 = list(string.punctuation)
num4 = num0+num1
num5 = num0+num2
num6 = num0+num3
num7 = num0+num2+num1
num8 = num0+num2+num3
full = num0+num2+num1+num3
listnum = [num0,num1,num2,num3,num4,num5,num6,num7,num8,full]
print "[o] CRACKING %s! Please wait...\n"%hashtype
while lengthmin <= lengthmax:
  found = False
  ch3cksum = synL0rd_perm(listnum[gen],lengthmin)
  cent = listnum[gen][len(listnum[gen])/2]*lengthmin
  gat3w4y = synL0rd_perm(listnum[gen],lengthmin)
  print "\r",
  while found == False:
   resgen1 = string.join(,"")
   resgen2 = string.join(,"")
   if len(cipher) == 32:
    spit1 = hashlib.md5(resgen1 + _salt).hexdigest()
    spit2 = hashlib.md5(resgen2 + _salt).hexdigest()
   if len(cipher) == 40:
    spit1 = hashlib.sha1(resgen1 + _salt).hexdigest()
    spit2 = hashlib.sha1(resgen2 + _salt).hexdigest()
   if len(cipher) == 56:
    spit1 = hashlib.sha224(resgen1 + _salt).hexdigest()
    spit2 = hashlib.sha224(resgen2 + _salt).hexdigest()
   if len(cipher) == 64:
    spit1 = hashlib.sha256(resgen1 + _salt).hexdigest()
    spit2 = hashlib.sha256(resgen2 + _salt).hexdigest()
   if len(cipher) == 96:
    spit1 = hashlib.sha384(resgen1 + _salt).hexdigest()
    spit2 = hashlib.sha384(resgen2 + _salt).hexdigest()
   if len(cipher) == 128:
    spit1 = hashlib.sha512(resgen1 + _salt).hexdigest()
    spit2 = hashlib.sha512(resgen2 + _salt).hexdigest()
   print "\r    %s | %s"%(resgen1,resgen2),
   if cipher == spit1:
    print "\n\n[+] PASSWORD CRACKED! = %s\n"%resgen1
    found = True
   if cipher == spit2:
    print "\n\n[+] PASSWORD CRACKED! = %s\n"%resgen2
    found = True
   if resgen1 == cent:
  lengthmin += 1

print "\n\n[-] PASSWORD NOT FOUND... Try again later\n"

tpi berkat saran om jimmyromanticdevil, jdi pengen ngembangin yang pake wordlist + bidirection generate string, tpi wordlist'y di baca dari bawah biar agak cepat (kira-kira bisa g y?),... :tkp:

thx y om" semuanya Big Grin

Hacking isn't just Computers & Exploits. It's a Philosophy.

wah itu mah codenya 5ynl0rd ... bos sy di void-labs ... cb deh kalau bisa ambil logicnya tapi struc codenya di rubah .. jangan di ciplak 100% .... sy baru terfikir lagi cb pakein paralel multithreading jadi pas program running dia akan meload wordlist dan mengecek wordlist sekalian generate string+langsung brute force...jadi 2 method yang akan jalan di situ ngebrute dari wordlist dan hasil generate string.. efficient bukan ? namanya jg paralel .. add fb gw spy tnya2 aj di situ ...!/

(12-06-2011, 08:47 PM)jimmyromanticdevil Wrote: wah itu mah codenya 5ynl0rd ... bos sy di void-labs ... cb deh kalau bisa ambil logicnya tapi struc codenya di rubah .. jangan di ciplak 100% .... sy baru terfikir lagi cb pakein paralel multithreading jadi pas program running dia akan meload wordlist dan mengecek wordlist sekalian generate string+langsung brute force...jadi 2 method yang akan jalan di situ ngebrute dari wordlist dan hasil generate string.. efficient bukan ? namanya jg paralel .. add fb gw spy tnya2 aj di situ ...!/

ok om makasih, om di dipa y?, trus sma sorong?, klo z dari wamena z pu tmn dri wamena banyak yg kul d situ om... Big Grin
Hacking isn't just Computers & Exploits. It's a Philosophy.

Menuju TKP

mantab om nasa

waktu brute nya berapa lama Om?
Spoiler! :

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