Tutorial Golismero
jika ingin perintah yg lainya.. silakan ke DISINI Tongue

izin nambahinya om... biar klop gitu.. Big Grin

maknyus om Smile
cobain dulu ahh Angry

____  _         __  __               _ _       _       ____  
|  _ \(_) __ _  |  \/  | __ _ _ __ __| (_) __ _| |__   | __ )
| |_) | |/ _` | | |\/| |/ _` | '__/ _` | |/ _` | '_ \  |  _ \
|  _ <| | (_| | | |  | | (_| | | | (_| | | (_| | | | | | |_) |
|_| \_\_|\__,_| |_|  |_|\__,_|_|  \__,_|_|\__,_|_| |_| |____/
Today is:         Sun Nov 18 09:27:45 CIT 2012
Kernel Information:      Linux 2.6.35-32-generic i686
anugeria uptime is       4:35, 2 users, load average: 0.46, 0.37, 0.27

Polinas LP3I Alauddin Makassar
the quieter you become, the more you able to hear
riaku@anugeria{~}:cd /pentest/web/golismero
./   Admin/   api.pyc      argparse.pyc  GoLismero.py*  TODO.txt
../  api.py*  argparse.py  bs4/          libs/          wordlist/
riaku@anugeria{/pentest/web/golismero}:python golismero.py
python: can't open file 'golismero.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
riaku@anugeria{/pentest/web/golismero}:python Golismero.py
python: can't open file 'Golismero.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory

itu knapa yah om.. tolong pencerahannya..

om error di atas knapa yah??..

(11-18-2012, 09:33 AM)anugeria Wrote:
____  _         __  __               _ _       _       ____  
|  _ \(_) __ _  |  \/  | __ _ _ __ __| (_) __ _| |__   | __ )
| |_) | |/ _` | | |\/| |/ _` | '__/ _` | |/ _` | '_ \  |  _ \
|  _ <| | (_| | | |  | | (_| | | | (_| | | (_| | | | | | |_) |
|_| \_\_|\__,_| |_|  |_|\__,_|_|  \__,_|_|\__,_|_| |_| |____/
Today is:         Sun Nov 18 09:27:45 CIT 2012
Kernel Information:      Linux 2.6.35-32-generic i686
anugeria uptime is       4:35, 2 users, load average: 0.46, 0.37, 0.27

Polinas LP3I Alauddin Makassar
the quieter you become, the more you able to hear
riaku@anugeria{~}:cd /pentest/web/golismero
./   Admin/   api.pyc      argparse.pyc  GoLismero.py*  TODO.txt
../  api.py*  argparse.py  bs4/          libs/          wordlist/
riaku@anugeria{/pentest/web/golismero}:python golismero.py
python: can't open file 'golismero.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
riaku@anugeria{/pentest/web/golismero}:python Golismero.py
python: can't open file 'Golismero.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory

itu knapa yah om.. tolong pencerahannya..

itu cm salah penulisan om
tracer@bazz:~# cd /pentest/web/golismero
tracer@bazz:/pentest/web/golismero# ls
Admin  api.py  api.pyc  argparse.py  argparse.pyc  bs4  GoLismero.py  libs  TODO.txt  wordlist
tracer@bazz:/pentest/web/golismero# python GoLismero.py
/pentest/web/golismero/libs/updater.py:5: DeprecationWarning: the md5 module is deprecated; use hashlib instead
  import md5

GoLISMERO - The Web Knife.

Daniel Garcia Garcia - [email protected] | [email protected]

You mush specify a target (-t).

G sama L nya huruf gede om :-bd

dunia hitam putih lebih berwarna

Kok aku error gini ya
[shcode=bash]root@Doel:~# golismero -t kaplik.com

GoLISMERO - The Web Knife.

Daniel Garcia Garcia - [email protected] | [email protected]

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/golismero", line 145, in <module>
File "/usr/share/golismero/api.py", line 285, in GoLISMERO_Main
File "/usr/share/golismero/libs/vulns.py", line 108, in loadVulnsFiles
files = os.listdir(m_wordlist_dir)
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: './wordlist/wfuzz/Discovery/'

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