maaf kalo salah share,

bagi yg males buka laptop/pc
nih saya kasih app bagus khusus buat pengguna android
yaa langsung aja
droidsqli/androidsql ini cara kerja nya sama dengan sqlmap
monggo langsung di coba

link download :


wah android sekarang sudah buat2 ginian ... nice info bro ..
FOLLOW @DutaLinux
for more question and sharing about security and Opensource only

Iyah sama sama mas zee, nanti saya share lg apk2 android

(09-30-2013, 04:42 PM)anthonyBT Wrote: maaf kalo salah share,

bagi yg males buka laptop/pc
nih saya kasih app bagus khusus buat pengguna android
yaa langsung aja
droidsqli/androidsql ini cara kerja nya sama dengan sqlmap
monggo langsung di coba

link download :


ijin nyoba om, :d
>> alone doesn't mean don't have anyone [me] <<

mesti pakai busyBox g kak??

btw, good info kak.. Smile
Security awareness should be the continuing practice of a skill and not the continuous reminder of a threat.

mesti di pake busybox nya kaka

wahh keren nih apk nye =))

Smile and Agree, Then Do Whatever The Fvck You Were Gonna Do

ss donx kaka tutorialnya,, maklum under newbieeee =)

kok cuma 443 KB ya?
ss nya broo,,,tutornya kalo berkenanSmile

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