[Info] International CyberForensic Competition
cuma share info event..

Binus International mengadakan Lomba CyberForensic pada 2-4 December 2013.
menurut ane, ini event bagus buat nambah2 pengalaman & pengetahuan kita.

"The International Cyberforensic Competition is an event that test the forensic skills of participants to discover hidden contents. They need to collect, analyse and report their findings in the way that it is legally admissible from an evidence that is stored digitally. The competition is divided into 2 (two) rounds with eliminations in each round."
Spoiler! :
[Image: International-Forensic-Competition-Poster.jpg]

buat info lengkap ini linknya http://international.binus.ac.id/informa...egulation/

Go.. IBTeam, mana nih penunggang Naga kita ??
ane pribadi berharap teman2 di masing2 regional mengirimkan teamnya masing :-bd


ayo ramaikan .. siapa tau bisa nih heheh
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Cita2 saya pengen.. membangun kantor Cyberforensik untuk Indonesia dlm puluhan tahun mendatang...
moga tercapai.. (y) Wink hhehh

(12-01-2013, 10:55 PM)hyp37 Wrote: Cita2 saya pengen.. membangun kantor Cyberforensik untuk Indonesia dlm puluhan tahun mendatang...
moga tercapai.. (y) Wink hhehh

amin amin Smile nanti saya di pekerjakan yah, sebagai satpam aja ndak apa-apa kok Smile
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