[Share] Deteksi Cipher, Apakah Monoalpabhetical atau Polyalpabhetical?
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Turut meramaikan thread kriptografi kriptanalisis...

Tulisan kali ini bakal ngebahas cara ngedeteksi cipher klasik. Apakah monoalphabetical atau polyalphabetical?

Misal kita punya percakapan dua sejoli kayak gini:
Cowok: “Rbl jvsveriepr jlbr jrdr brdl prex, krgz rbl svcld svirez exfdfex tzekr”
Cewek: “qp tbtw, ixn sgjrgatvlt jwon lumi ftmc snfu, csh cuii gtkwb azoowaz... yws abkcp nca...”

Test Cipher Cowok
[Image: monoalphabetical.png]

Test Cipher Cewek
[Image: poly.png]

Buat yang penasaran sama isi percakapan diatas... bisa didekrip pake tools online...
> cipher cowok dienkrip pake caesar n kunci-nya 17
> cipher cewek dienkrip pake vigenere n kunci-nya cinta

Buat yang pengen bikin program kaya diatas... ini kisi-kisi nya... silahkan koding sendiri...
Friedman Test

Kenapa ga dishare source code ny om? Karena ...

Quote:“The world is full of people who can speak expertly about cryptography, but can’t effectively code...”

“The world is full of people who can speak expertly about cryptography, but can’t effectively code...”

share code nya dong om :cendolbig

(06-21-2015, 06:50 AM)Shadow_ Wrote: share code nya dong om :cendolbig

Koding sendiri yah... biar kenalan sama notasi matematika dan kawan-kawanny...

(06-21-2015, 05:55 AM)kirun777 Wrote: “The world is full of people who can speak expertly about cryptography, but can’t effectively code...”
jatuh cinta sama quotenya haha

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