[SHARE] Pataor Multi Brute Force Tools
assalamualaikum all Smile
ketemu lagi dah sama ane=anak pengguna baru Big Grin

nah kali ini mau mencoba share sebuah tools bruteforce namanya patator.
patator ini berbasis python atau menggunakan bahasa pemrograman python, jadi bagi teman2 yang g atau belum install backtrack5, jangan takut, bisa dijalanin di windows juga, tinggal instal pythonnya untuk windos terlebih dahulu, Smile

scriptnya bisa didownload di mari
kalau diletakin disini kepanjangan wkwkkw Big Grin
available modul nya sebagai berikut
D:\brother\HackSoft\Patator Bruteforce>patator_v0.3.py
  $ ./patator.py module --help
  $ ln -s patator.py module
  $ ./module --help

Available modules:
  + ftp_login     : Brute-force FTP authentication
  + ssh_login     : Brute-force SSH authentication
  + telnet_login  : Brute-force Telnet authentication
  + smtp_login    : Brute-force SMTP authentication
  + smtp_vrfy     : Enumerate valid users using SMTP VRFY
  + smtp_rcpt     : Enumerate valid users using SMTP RCPT TO
  + http_fuzz     : Fuzz HTTP/HTTPS
  + pop_passd     : Brute-force poppassd authentication (http://netwinsite.com/p
oppassd/ not POP3)
  + smb_login     : Brute-force SMB authentication
  + ldap_login    : Brute-force LDAP authentication
  + mssql_login   : Brute-force MSSQL authentication
  + oracle_login  : Brute-force Oracle authentication
  + mysql_login   : Brute-force MySQL authentication
  + pgsql_login   : Brute-force PostgreSQL authentication
  + vnc_login     : Brute-force VNC authentication
  + dns_reverse   : Reverse lookup subnets
  + dns_forward   : Forward lookup subdomains
  + snmp_login    : Brute-force SNMP v1/2/3 authentication
  + unzip_pass    : Brute-force the password of encrypted ZIP files
  + keystore_pass : Brute-force the password of Java keystore files

lihat lagi untuk option modulnya misal ftp_login
ftp_login host= user=FILE0 password=FILE1 0=logins.txt 1=passwords.txt -x ignore:mesg='Login incorrect.' -x ignore,reset,retry:code=500 -x reset:fgrep='Login successful'

Module options:
  host          : hostnames or subnets to target
  port          : ports to target [21]
  user          : usernames to test
  password      : passwords to test
  persistent    : use persistent connections [1|0]

* Allowed format in ()
* Allowed values in [] with the default value always listed first

-x actions:conditions

    actions    := action[,action]*
    action     := "ignore" | "retry" | "quit" | "reset"
    conditions := condition=value[,condition=value]*
    condition  := "code" | "size" | "mesg" | "fgrep" | "egrep"

    ignore      : do not report
    retry       : try payload again
    quit        : terminate execution now
    reset       : close current connection in order to reconnect for next probe

    code        : match status code
    size        : match size (N or N-M or N- or -N)
    mesg        : match message
    fgrep       : search for string
    egrep       : search for regex

For example, to ignore all redirects to the home page:
... -x ignore:code=302,fgrep='Location: /home.html'

-e tag:encoding

    tag        := any unique string (eg. T@G or _@@_ or ...)
    encoding   := "sha1" | "md5" | "hex" | "b64"

    sha1        : hash in sha1
    md5         : hash in md5
    hex         : encode in hexadecimal
    b64         : encode in base64

For example, to encode every password in base64:
... host= user=admin password=_@@_FILE0_@@_ -e _@@_:b64

  -h, --help           show this help message and exit

    -x arg             actions and conditions, see Syntax above
    --start=N          start from offset N in the wordlist product
    --stop=N           stop at offset N
    --resume=r1[,rN]*  resume previous run
    -e arg             encode everything between two tags, see Syntax above
    -C str             delimiter string in combo files (default is ':')
    -X str             delimiter string in conditions (default is ',')

    --rate-limit=N     wait N seconds between tests (default is 0)
    --rate-reset=N     reset module every N tests (default is 0: never reset)
    --failure-delay=N  wait N seconds after a failure (default is 0.5)
    --max-retries=N    skip payload after N failures (default is 5) (-1 for
    -t N, --threads=N  number of threads (default is 10)

    -l DIR             save output and response data into DIR
    -L SFX             automatically save into DIR/yyyy-mm-dd/hh:mm:ss_SFX
                       (DIR defaults to '/tmp/patator')

    -d, --debug        enable debug messages

wah ada contoh penggunaannya Smile
ftp_login host= user=FILE0 password=FILE1 0=logins.txt 1=passwords.txt -x ignore:mesg='Login incorrect.' -x ignore,reset,retry:code=500 -x reset:fgrep='Login successful'

ayo mari kita coba sama sama Smile ntar yang berhasil report yah

mf om,, ane lg gila ama brute force, dah bnyak tool ane siapin,
lawan ny mikrotik nih susah amirrrrrr,,
izin coba om jun..

mikrotik dilawan wkwkw ngeri itu Big Grin

galau om..mac ane d banned.
wkwkwk...help help...g bsa connect lg..

owalah,, mikrotik hotspot kampus???login mikrotik pake filter mac ya??

iy om..... gmn ni om?
trpksa plg dulu,, ol pk hp nih..

sniff pass login n user login nya,,catat mac nya ganti mac mu dengan mc mereka ,,trus gunakan user mereka ,,wkkw
aman bukan? kalau kena ya user mereka yang dibanned,,bukan user kita,,itu cara ane "nakal" di hotspot kampus wkwkw

(04-29-2012, 11:44 PM)junior.riau18 Wrote: sniff pass login n user login nya,,catat mac nya ganti mac mu dengan mc mereka ,,trus gunakan user mereka ,,wkkw
aman bukan? kalau kena ya user mereka yang dibanned,,bukan user kita,,itu cara ane "nakal" di hotspot kampus wkwkw

wkwkwkwkkw kejem ni anak Tongue kalo gue adminya udah gue jewer ni wkwkwkwk kabooeeerrrrrrrrrr Confused sambil renang :tkp:
Every Second, Every Minutes, Every Hours, Every Days Its Never End

wuaseeem -___-"

(04-30-2012, 08:06 AM)junior.riau18 Wrote: wuaseeem -___-"

wkwkwkwkwkw Tongue ngacirrr takut ada yg jewerrrr :tkp:
Every Second, Every Minutes, Every Hours, Every Days Its Never End

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