Nmap KUNGFU -lanjutan nmap
hi ketemu lagi sama ane facebooker galau iyan_squid, Cool
sebelumnya ane minta maaf kalo tread y ane buat ini sedikit gk berbobot, ato kalo kedapatan double post silahkan di hapus aja Smile

gk sengaja td ane selancar2 terus nemu ginian, lumayan buat bahan belajar Smile, jadi ane pengen berbagi sama temen2 semua.

[color=#00BFFF]Basic Scanning Techniques[/color]
Quote:Scan a single target —> nmap [target]

Scan multiple targets —> nmap [target1,target2,etc]

Scan a list of targets —-> nmap -iL [list.txt]

Scan a range of hosts —-> nmap [range of IP addresses]

Scan an entire subnet —-> nmap [IP address/cdir]

Scan random hosts —-> nmap -iR [number]

Excluding targets from a scan —> nmap [targets] –exclude [targets]

Excluding targets using a list —> nmap [targets] –excludefile [list.txt]

Perform an aggressive scan —> nmap -A [target]

Scan an IPv6 target —> nmap -6 [target]
[color=#00BFFF]Discovery Options[/color]
Quote:Perform a ping scan only —> nmap -sP [target]

Don’t ping —> nmap -PN [target]

TCP SYN Ping —> nmap -PS [target]

TCP ACK ping —-> nmap -PA [target]

UDP ping —-> nmap -PU [target]

SCTP Init Ping —> nmap -PY [target]

ICMP echo ping —-> nmap -PE [target]

ICMP Timestamp ping —> nmap -PP [target]

ICMP address mask ping —> nmap -PM [target]

IP protocol ping —-> nmap -PO [target]

ARP ping —> nmap -PR [target]

Traceroute —> nmap –traceroute [target]

Force reverse DNS resolution —> nmap -R [target]

Disable reverse DNS resolution —> nmap -n [target]

Alternative DNS lookup —> nmap –system-dns [target]

Manually specify DNS servers —> nmap –dns-servers [servers] [target]

Create a host list —-> nmap -sL [targets]

[color=#00BFFF]Advanced Scanning Options[/color]
Quote:TCP SYN Scan —> nmap -sS [target]

TCP connect scan —-> nmap -sT [target]

UDP scan —-> nmap -sU [target]

TCP Null scan —-> nmap -sN [target]

TCP Fin scan —> nmap -sF [target]

Xmas scan —-> nmap -sX [target]

TCP ACK scan —> nmap -sA [target]

Custom TCP scan —-> nmap –scanflags [flags] [target]

IP protocol scan —-> nmap -sO [target]

Send Raw Ethernet packets —-> nmap –send-eth [target]

Send IP packets —-> nmap –send-ip [target]

[color=#00BFFF]Port Scanning Options[/color]
Quote:Perform a fast scan —> nmap -F [target]

Scan specific ports —-> nmap -p [ports] [target]

Scan ports by name —-> nmap -p [port name] [target]

Scan ports by protocol —-> nmap -sU -sT -p U:[ports],T:[ports] [target]

Scan all ports —-> nmap -p “*” [target]

Scan top ports —–> nmap –top-ports [number] [target]

Perform a sequential port scan —-> nmap -r [target]

[color=#00BFFF]Version Detection[/color]
Quote:Operating system detection —-> nmap -O [target]

Submit TCP/IP Fingerprints —-> www.nmap.org/submit/

Attempt to guess an unknown —-> nmap -O –osscan-guess [target]

Service version detection —-> nmap -sV [target]

Troubleshooting version scans —-> nmap -sV –version-trace [target]

Perform a RPC scan —-> nmap -sR [target]

[color=#00BFFF]Timing Options[/color]
Quote:Timing Templates —-> nmap -T [0-5] [target]

Set the packet TTL —-> nmap –ttl [time] [target]

Minimum of parallel connections —-> nmap –min-parallelism [number] [target]

Maximum of parallel connection —-> nmap –max-parallelism [number] [target]

Minimum host group size —–> nmap –min-hostgroup [number] [targets]

Maximum host group size —-> nmap –max-hostgroup [number] [targets]

Maximum RTT timeout —–> nmap –initial-rtt-timeout [time] [target]

Initial RTT timeout —-> nmap –max-rtt-timeout [TTL] [target]

Maximum retries —-> nmap –max-retries [number] [target]

Host timeout —-> nmap –host-timeout [time] [target]

Minimum Scan delay —-> nmap –scan-delay [time] [target]

Maximum scan delay —-> nmap –max-scan-delay [time] [target]

Minimum packet rate —-> nmap –min-rate [number] [target]

Maximum packet rate —-> nmap –max-rate [number] [target]

Defeat reset rate limits —-> nmap –defeat-rst-ratelimit [target]

[color=#00BFFF]Firewall Evasion Techniques[/color]
Quote:Fragment packets —-> nmap -f [target]

Specify a specific MTU —-> nmap –mtu [MTU] [target]

Use a decoy —-> nmap -D RND: [number] [target]

Idle zombie scan —> nmap -sI [zombie] [target]

Manually specify a source port —-> nmap –source-port [port] [target]

Append random data —-> nmap –data-length [size] [target]

Randomize target scan order —-> nmap –randomize-hosts [target]

Spoof MAC Address —-> nmap –spoof-mac [MAC|0|vendor] [target]

Send bad checksums —-> nmap –badsum [target]

[color=#00BFFF]Output Options[/color]
Quote:Save output to a text file —-> nmap -oN [scan.txt] [target]

Save output to a xml file —> nmap -oX [scan.xml] [target]

Grepable output —-> nmap -oG [scan.txt] [target]

Output all supported file types —-> nmap -oA [path/filename] [target]

Periodically display statistics —-> nmap –stats-every [time] [target]

133t output —-> nmap -oS [scan.txt] [target]

[color=#00BFFF]Troubleshooting and debugging[/color]
Quote:Help —> nmap -h

Display Nmap version —-> nmap -V

Verbose output —-> nmap -v [target]

Debugging —-> nmap -d [target]

Display port state reason —-> nmap –reason [target]

Only display open ports —-> nmap –open [target]

Trace packets —> nmap –packet-trace [target]

Display host networking —> nmap –iflist

Specify a network interface —> nmap -e [interface] [target]

[color=#00BFFF]Nmap Scripting Engine[/color]
Quote:Execute individual scripts —> nmap –script [script.nse] [target]

Execute multiple scripts —-> nmap –script [expression] [target]

Script categories —-> all, auth, default, discovery, external, intrusive, malware, safe, vuln

Execute scripts by category —-> nmap –script [category] [target]

Execute multiple scripts categories —-> nmap –script [category1,category2, etc]

Troubleshoot scripts —-> nmap –script [script] –script-trace [target]

Update the script database —-> nmap –script-updatedb

Quote:Comparison using Ndiff —-> ndiff [scan1.xml] [scan2.xml]

Ndiff verbose mode —-> ndiff -v [scan1.xml] [scan2.xml]

XML output mode —-> ndiff –xml [scan1.xm] [scan2.xml]

kelupaan ane ini juga lanjutan dari tread om NoseTrave ( Tambahan cara untuk menggunakan nmap ) http://forum.indonesianbacktrack.or.id/s...hp?tid=860

wah..., nice share om.., terus berbagi yoo..., Smile

Go IBTeam...!!!
root@bt:~# cat about_me
I'm just a linuxer....!!! ^_^

(08-29-2012, 04:55 AM)Acenk90 Wrote: wah..., nice share om.., terus berbagi yoo..., Smile

Go IBTeam...!!!

seep om. Big Grin

om iyan kl ga salah kn nmap bisa scan web ada bugs sqli/ga Smile perintahnya apa deh ane lupa hehe di tmbah juga yaa om +contoh Smile tar ada ijo ijo ane tmbah hehe

(08-29-2012, 11:10 AM)xsan-lahci Wrote: om iyan kl ga salah kn nmap bisa scan web ada bugs sqli/ga Smile perintahnya apa deh ane lupa hehe di tmbah juga yaa om +contoh Smile tar ada ijo ijo ane tmbah hehe

yang pake script engine yah om ?
klo gug salah nmap -sV --script=http-sql-injection <target> ??

(08-29-2012, 11:10 AM)xsan-lahci Wrote: om iyan kl ga salah kn nmap bisa scan web ada bugs sqli/ga Smile perintahnya apa deh ane lupa hehe di tmbah juga yaa om +contoh Smile tar ada ijo ijo ane tmbah hehe

oh oke om, ane juga lupa nambahin, hehehe Big Grin

ini ada beberapa lagi om

smb-check-vulns(pengecekan smb)
nmap --script smb-check-vulns.nse -p445 [target]
sudo nmap -sU -sS --script smb-check-vulns.nse -p U:137,T:139 [target]

nmap -sV --script=mysql-vuln-cve2012-2122 [target]

metode scan sql y lain bisa juga pakai perintah ini
nmap --script=sql-injection [target]

selain ini masih banyak script nmap, hanya saja saya pribadi belum sempat mengexplore, insyaallah dilain kesempatan saya mencoba membuat tutorial scanning juga bukan hanya show script Smile

sumber : http://nmap.org/nsedoc/scripts/

(08-29-2012, 05:55 PM)RR12 Wrote:
(08-29-2012, 11:10 AM)xsan-lahci Wrote: om iyan kl ga salah kn nmap bisa scan web ada bugs sqli/ga Smile perintahnya apa deh ane lupa hehe di tmbah juga yaa om +contoh Smile tar ada ijo ijo ane tmbah hehe

yang pake script engine yah om ?
klo gug salah nmap -sV --script=http-sql-injection <target> ??

iya om itu scripnya , dan masih banyak script2 pengecekan y lain Smile
makasih om RR12 udah tambahin Smile

makasih om iyan dan om RR12 Smile

nice bro... lengkap deh ...

(08-30-2012, 10:29 AM)xsan-lahci Wrote: makasih om iyan dan om RR12 Smile

seep om sam-sama Smile
(08-30-2012, 01:53 PM)dracos-linux Wrote: nice bro... lengkap deh ...

alangkah lebih lengkapnya lagi om, kalo ad tutorial pakenya langsung apalagi plus video tambah mantap, tapi untuk awal ini dulu ya,, ane masih pelajari . mudah2an bisa buat video ato lanjutan dari nmap Smile

nice thread om iyan,,
eh yang sqli itu tambahin | grep sqlspider biar terminal nda rame wkkw

cek lemari es om iyan,, ada cincau

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