[Fixed] Cara manfaatin hasil joomscan yang vurn
selamat pagi abg2 semua... saya mau tanya ne..kemaren kan abis scan website flatform joomla dengan joomscan hasil nya kayak gini:
# 1
Info -> Generic: htaccess.txt has not been renamed.
Versions Affected: Any
Check: /htaccess.txt
Exploit: Generic defenses implemented in .htaccess are not available, so exploiting is more likely to succeed.
Vulnerable? Yes

# 3
Info -> Core: Multiple XSS/CSRF Vulnerability
Versions Affected: 1.5.9 <=
Check: /?1.5.9-x
Exploit: A series of XSS and CSRF faults exist in the administrator application.  Affected administrator components include com_admin, com_media, com_search.  Both com_admin and com_search contain XSS vulnerabilities, and com_media contains 2 CSRF vulnerabilities.  
Vulnerable? Yes

# 4
Info -> Core: JSession SSL Session Disclosure Vulnerability
Versions effected: Joomla! 1.5.8 <=
Check: /?1.5.8-x
Exploit: When running a site under SSL (the entire site is forced to be under ssl), Joomla! does not set the SSL flag on the cookie.  This can allow someone monitoring the network to find the cookie related to the session.
Vulnerable? Yes

# 5
Info -> Core: Frontend XSS Vulnerability
Versions effected: 1.5.10 <=
Check: /?1.5.10-x
Exploit: Some values were output from the database without being properly escaped.  Most strings in question were sourced from the administrator panel. Malicious normal admin can leverage it to gain access to super admin.
Vulnerable? Yes

# 6
Info -> Core: Frontend XSS - HTTP_REFERER not properly filtered Vulnerability
Versions effected: 1.5.11 <=
Check: /?1.5.11-x-http_ref
Exploit: An attacker can inject JavaScript or DHTML code that will be executed in the context of targeted user browser, allowing the attacker to steal cookies. HTTP_REFERER variable is not properly parsed.
Vulnerable? Yes

# 7
Info -> Core: Frontend XSS - PHP_SELF not properly filtered Vulnerability
Versions effected: 1.5.11 <=
Check: /?1.5.11-x-php-s3lf
Exploit: An attacker can inject JavaScript code in a URL that will be executed in the context of targeted user browser.
Vulnerable? Yes

# 11
Info -> Core: Admin Backend Cross Site Request Forgery Vulnerability
Versions effected: 1.0.13 <=
Check: /administrator/
Exploit: It requires an administrator to be logged in and to be tricked into a specially crafted webpage.
Vulnerable? Yes

ada tujuh celah yang vuln menurut joomscan.. nah pertanyaannya... gimana ya cara manfaatin celah yang di kasih tau joomscan ini..biar kita bisa masuk ke adminnya gitu...thanks sebelumnya abg sekalian..maaf kalo ada salah kata...

Ngantri I love backtrack dari brother di sini Big Grin

dari infonya sih ada file htaccess.txt yang kemungkinan sama dengan .htaccess

xxs di com_admin dan di com_search 
csrf di com_media

#4 SSL 
attacker bisa monitoring network buat dapatin cookie di session itu mirip heardbleed

#5 XXS


#7 XXS inject to url version :1.5.11 < ini version apa ane juga gk tau :v

#11 Csrf admin joomla
com_user exploit 

CMIIW , sori kalau kurang jelas :v

om admin...pertanyaan ane kayaknya udah resolve.. mohon di pindah ke habitat selayaknyal..maafnya om admin

ane bukan admin om ... :3 ... cuma tag nya di ganti solve aja bkn di pindahin kok

udah diganti fixed, tks om

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