[AKS] bt5 g bisa connect ad-hoc windos
(10-08-2011, 10:01 AM)nasa Wrote:
(10-08-2011, 04:28 AM)junior.riau18 Wrote:
(10-08-2011, 12:45 AM)nasa Wrote: Error pada saat WICD di start itu hal yg wajar sesuai motto Backtrack the quieter you became the more you are able to hear. maksudnya emang BT di desain agar networking wireless tidak terjadi saat start-up, jd tidak lgsung terdeteksi di suatu wireless network...

spy g error ketik aja :
/etc/init.d/wicd start
trus buka wicd manager.. Smile

ooo begitu toh kak Big Grin Big Grin okok sip daahh
besok pagi di coba dikampus,, Big Grin
kalo dirumah g bisa ngenet pake bt,,aneh udah seting pake sakis3g,wvdial n dkk tetap aja g bisa konek Sad(

kl d rumah pake ap??
kl ane d rumah pake wvdial, koneksi'y lancar" aj...
configurasi udh bener lom?..
root@bt~# wvdialconf

pake wvdial udah coba tapi pas di eject usbmodemnya pas dijalankan wvdialconf nya katanya no modem was found,,
pake sakis3g juga aneh g bisa knek.. pusing Angry

Messages In This Thread
RE: [AKS] bt5 g bisa connect ad-hoc windos - by Junior Riau - 10-08-2011, 03:54 PM

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