Error Sound Card
KDE detected that one or more internal sound devices were removed.
Do you want KDE to permanently forget about these devices?
This is the list of devices KDE thinks can be removed:
Capture: Ensoniq AudioPCI ENS1371 (ES1371 DAC2/ADC)
Output: Ensoniq AudioPCI ENS1371 (ES1371 DAC2/ADC)

mohon pencerahannya kawan-kawan
maaf kalo gak sopan sama berantakan maklum masih pengguna baru

jenis laptop: toshiba sayellite L510

nah tinggal diremove saja itu kok bro .. btw suarnya keluar gk ?
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nah itu om masalahnya kagak mau keluar

setting di sound preference .. pilih salah satu driver atau device pada pulseaudio

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